Headlight wont go all the way up or down (Page 1/2)
Garrett5982 MAR 17, 07:48 PM
Hey guys I recently bought an '85 Fiero GT. the only issue i haven't really addressed is that the passenger side headlight motor doesn't activate at all. on top of that, it won't go all the way down (or up.) the headlight door is stuck partially open which bothers me a bit so, is there a way to adjust the whole fixture or like what should i do to try and fix it
1985 Fiero GT MAR 17, 08:15 PM

Originally posted by Garrett5982:

Hey guys I recently bought an '85 Fiero GT. the only issue i haven't really addressed is that the passenger side headlight motor doesn't activate at all. on top of that, it won't go all the way down (or up.) the headlight door is stuck partially open which bothers me a bit so, is there a way to adjust the whole fixture or like what should i do to try and fix it

So, your passenger headlight doesn't go up or down electrically at all? Or does it sometimes, but not get all the way up or down, or does the passenger headlight not work and the drivers headlight not go all the way up or down?

Either way, there is a knob on top of each headlight motor, turning it one way will raise the headlight, other way will lower the headlight, turn it into you hear a metallic click, that should be all the way down (or up)
Garrett5982 MAR 17, 08:18 PM

Originally posted by 1985 Fiero GT:

So, your passenger headlight doesn't go up or down electrically at all? Or does it sometimes, but not get all the way up or down, or does the passenger headlight not work and the drivers headlight not go all the way up or down?

Either way, there is a knob on top of each headlight motor, turning it one way will raise the headlight, other way will lower the headlight, turn it into you hear a metallic click, that should be all the way down (or up)

I've tried to use the knob but it pretty much just free spins and doesn't move the headlight, i assume i'll need to rebuild the motor but for the moment the light is just stuck in position
1985 Fiero GT MAR 17, 08:24 PM

Originally posted by Garrett5982:

I've tried to use the knob but it pretty much just free spins and doesn't move the headlight, i assume i'll need to rebuild the motor but for the moment the light is just stuck in position

Keep spinning it, it will move the headlight, it isn't a powerful motor so it is geared down which means you need to spin it like 200 times to raise it fully
Patrick MAR 17, 10:42 PM

Originally posted by 1985 Fiero GT:

Keep spinning it, it will move the headlight...

Yep. I just press my nail/fingertip into one of the holes and spin 'er like crazy. That headlight will move!
1985 Fiero GT MAR 17, 11:11 PM

Originally posted by Patrick:

Yep. I just press my nail/fingertip into one of the holes and spin 'er like crazy. That headlight will move!

Yeah, Rodney sells an adapter to use a drill for, one of those tools that you don't think is worth it when you're planning an order, then really regret not having when you need to manually wind 2 headlights a few times, then once the job is done, you end up deciding not to get it anyways, because what are the chances of having to do that again! Then the cycle repeats haha!
buddycraigg MAR 17, 11:49 PM
I believe it is 122 times.

But does the head light go all the way up an down if you have the hood open?
theogre MAR 18, 10:36 AM
It won't move fully up down or both then very likely the gears are trash. Could be the lift & door is jamming somehow preventing full open, close or both but then you won't be able to spin the motor in one direction by hand either.

If won't run w/ electric then also have more problems either not related to or cause by bad gears.
Could be bad relays, motor itself or both.
Or could be "unplug" somewhere because the gears are crap letting motor run forever.
Or worse motors have "twitching" problem that can kill the battery or worse so unplug them.

Twitching is cause by the motor trip the switch but doesn't stay there because of bad bumper, wrong lube, etc,
letting the shaft to back-off, motors try to run, then push a switch & repeat until battery dies.
motor never push a switch so jams but try to run until the breaker trips then that cools & repeat until battery dies & heating the motor big time.

Dr. Ian Malcolm: Yeah, but your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could, they didn't stop to think if they should.
(Jurassic Park)

The Ogre's Fiero Cave

Garrett5982 MAR 20, 02:07 PM

Originally posted by buddycraigg:

I believe it is 122 times.

But does the head light go all the way up an down if you have the hood open?

Thank you all for the replies. I was able to fix the main issue by screwing that knob for a while. But yeah, it sounds like the motor is trying to move the light up and down but it just doesn't move.
richard in nc MAR 20, 05:15 PM
my covers were sticking up.i loosened the four ten mm bolts on the sides and pushed them down.