Alternative Hinterradbremsen für Automatik-V6 (Page 1/2)
V6-Automatik MAY 19, 03:18 PM
Hallo zusammen,
Ich habe meinen fast 20 Jahre in einem Schuppen aufgebockten Fiero herausgefahren (3mal gepumpt-Schlüssel umgedreht, läuft) und möchte ihm wieder Leben einhauchen. Der erste Schritt wird eine neue Wasserpumpe sein. Der Zweite die festsitzenden Bremsen wieder gängig machen. Vorne habe ich VW Corrado Bremsen drin, hinten Serie. Da ich das hinten schon mal vor langer Zeit durchgemacht habe, und meine Bremswirkung hinten nie richtig zufriedenstellend war, würde ich gerne einen anderen Bremssattel mit grösseren Kolben und einer grösseren, möglichst innenbelüfteten Scheibe einbauen. Ich habe gehört dass es für die Felgen etwas passendes vom Camaro geben soll. Leider kann ich nicht herauskriegen welches Modell vom Camaro da passt (Baujahr), beziehungsweise ob die Bremssattelhalter Spezialanfertigungen sind, oder ob sie vom Camaro auch passen. - Und ob Scheiben vom Camaro oder auch zum Beispiel vom 88er Fiero für diese Kombination auch passen würden. Ich hoffe da hat jemand Infos und kann mir weiterhelfen.
Das wäre Super! -
olejoedad MAY 19, 03:53 PM
What year is your Fiero?
IMSA GT MAY 19, 04:14 PM
This should be interesting.

What he's asking:

Hello everyone,
I took out my Fiero, which has been jacked up in a shed for almost 20 years (pumped 3 times - key turned, runs) and would like to breathe life back into it. The first step will be a new water pump. The second is to make the stuck brakes work again. I have VW Corrado brakes on the front and standard ones on the back. Since I went through this a long time ago and my rear braking was never really satisfactory, I would like to install a different brake caliper with a larger piston and a larger, preferably internally ventilated disc. I heard that there is something suitable from the Camaro for the rims. Unfortunately, I can't find out which model of Camaro fits (year of manufacture), or whether the brake caliper brackets are custom-made, or whether they also fit from the Camaro. - And whether discs from the Camaro or, for example, the 88 Fiero would also fit for this combination. I hope someone has some information and can help me.
That would be great! -

[This message has been edited by IMSA GT (edited 05-19-2024).]

V6-Automatik MAY 19, 04:17 PM

Originally posted by olejoedad:

What year is your Fiero?

1985, V6 Automatic Rims 7JX15
theogre MAY 19, 09:55 PM
⚠️ The "brake upgrade" plan is very likely Illegal & Fail Inspection in Germany & other EU states. Unlike U.S. States where most have No or Weak Inspections, they have similar Inspection rules as UK MOT which also Fails many "Upgrades" for Brakes to Head Lights on a vehicle.

Original Brakes alone can work enough to drive but Fail Inspection because Service Brake, Parking Brake or Both Fail when on the Brake Dyno for the Inspection. Was Previous German User that Failed Inspection several years ago that covered 1 issue as to why he Failed.

You can't just bolt in brake parts for X model into Fiero or anyone else.
Example: Bigger Master Cyl without changing size for Caliper Pistons will make the brakes Weaker just for Hydraulic Rules. Smaller MC may raise system pressure but often can not make enough fluid volume to operate the calipers.

See for issues/problems for one "Brake upgrade" & covering piston sizes.

Dr. Ian Malcolm: Yeah, but your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could, they didn't stop to think if they should.
(Jurassic Park)

The Ogre's Fiero Cave

V6-Automatik MAY 20, 01:33 AM
yes, the TÜV in germany has rules that are often not easy to comply with. i will of course abide by these rules. but there are still always possibilities if the work done works perfectly. this always requires the right people on both sides. my front wheel brakes, registered by the TÜV are also legal. They work perfectly. now it's time to equip the rear wheels with a suitable system. i won't do anything that's illegal. i'm actually 20 years too late for that. but there is a possibility
jelly2m8 MAY 20, 01:50 AM

Originally posted by theogre:

⚠️ The "brake upgrade" plan is very likely Illegal & Fail Inspection in Germany & other EU states. Unlike U.S. States where most have No or Weak Inspections,

I Guarantee you and invite you to come and challenge my NON-OEM brake Fiero will out brake your Fiero by a very noticeable margin. My Insurance. Provincial Motor vehicle inspection and my local national police Both want maximum safety, I have consulted with all of them,
V6-Automatik MAY 20, 02:12 AM
ok, what is your suggestion then
V6-Automatik MAY 20, 02:28 AM
thanks for translating to IMSA GT
Frenchrafe MAY 20, 01:34 PM
Hi Helmuth,
I live in France so I know all about passing inspection (contrôle technique) and conforming to the rules.
I use Grand Am discs on the back with Seville calipers. These give just a bit more clamping force (larger pistons) but don't throw out the brake bias as I have Grand Am brakes up front as well.
They appear stock and fit behind stock wheels.
The only difficult part is to make the brackets that hold the Seville calipers. There used to be someone on this forum who made them at the time? If not, the dimensions could be copied off mine and you make them yourself.

I am interested with your VW Corrado front brake setup; could you post a picture? What size discs, etc...?


"Turbo Slug" - '87 Fiero GT. 3800 turbo. - The fastest Fiero in France! @turboslugfiero