Water in the exhuast? (Page 1/1)
BruhMans06 JUN 06, 02:29 PM
So I finally got my Iron Duke running perfect but now i cant ever start it after it rains.
wack right?
Its the weirdest thing ever. One nice sunny day, ill turn it ver and itll start right up, but after it rains, it struggles to start and spits water LITERALLY all over my drive way.
water is getting in the exhaust somewhere and I dont know where. has anyone had this issue before?\
i also have stock intake with an air filter so i shouldnt be getting anything in the intake.

James Bird

Certified Idiot

Patrick JUN 06, 03:51 PM

Originally posted by BruhMans06:

water is getting in the exhaust somewhere and I dont know where.


armos JUN 07, 09:35 PM
I've had this problem before when the distributor cap was damaged, apparently water was getting in. It was able to tilt, IIRC it had a broken screw mount. Rotor was damaged too, I think it had been occasionally beating itself against the cap.

Could water be getting into your air cleaner somehow? Check if it's wet in there after rain. Check the intake hose also.

There's supposed to be a plastic "water trap" inline with the air intake on the driver side. Is that missing?
But I don't think that would cause a dramatic issue in normal circumstances - ages ago I took that out of my 4cyl Fiero and never noticed any ill effect (nor any benefit). But if you had wind blowing water in from the side, in theory some water could get into the intake if the water trap is missing.

[This message has been edited by armos (edited 06-07-2024).]

theogre JUN 08, 01:59 AM

Originally posted by Patrick:


Duke exhaust manifold often crack(s) even breaks then "air" & "water" can get in then cause problems w/ O2 sensor & cat.

Bad dog bone can cause broke exhaust.
see https://web.archive.org/web...erocave/atmstrut.htm

May also have wiring & ignition problems too.

Dr. Ian Malcolm: Yeah, but your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could, they didn't stop to think if they should.
(Jurassic Park)

The Ogre's Fiero Cave

Patrick JUN 08, 02:28 AM

Originally posted by theogre:

Duke exhaust manifold often crack(s) even breaks then "air" & "water" can get in...

If water can get into a cracked exhaust manifold while just sitting, then I would think that exhaust gases would also escape out of the same cracked exhaust manifold while the engine was running. The "tick tick tick" sound is usually pretty noticeable. The OP reported no indication that the exhaust was leaking.

[This message has been edited by Patrick (edited 06-08-2024).]

fierofool JUN 08, 07:54 AM
I had an 88 Duke that would blow a lot of water out the tail pipe after it rained. It wasn't condensation as it only did it after or during a rain. It still had the decklid weather strip. I had the car for several years and never found the cause. No sound of any exhaust leak. It eventually fixed itself.
Patrick JUN 08, 05:26 PM

Originally posted by fierofool:

I had an 88 Duke that would blow a lot of water out the tail pipe after it rained. It wasn't condensation as it only did it after or during a rain.

And you don't think the amount of condensation accumulating in the exhaust system has anything to do with the relative humidity of the air?

When it's cool and wet here, steam and water pours out of the tailpipes of my Fiero and/or Subie. When it's less humid, there's barely anything that comes out of the pipes.

[This message has been edited by Patrick (edited 06-08-2024).]

fierofool JUN 08, 10:58 PM
I would get a lot of water coming out. Just on the Duke. The other three didn't do it.
BruhMans06 JUN 10, 08:16 PM
it could deffinatly be an exhaust manifold issue too because i do have a pretty big exhaust leak and it smokes out of the vent when the car runs.
i guess ill just need to buy a new manifold
cartercarbaficionado JUN 10, 10:43 PM

Originally posted by BruhMans06:

it could deffinatly be an exhaust manifold issue too because i do have a pretty big exhaust leak and it smokes out of the vent when the car runs.
i guess ill just need to buy a new manifold

unfortunately you don't live closer. I have a spare manifold around for a duke as long as they are the same for all years.
you could get some exhaust repair wrap and seal up the cracks to see if it helps or get it welded up since most of these are fabricated steel