Old code scanner from car show (Page 1/2)
dizzie JUN 10, 01:06 PM
I went to a pretty large car show over the weekend. The one model I was hoping to see was not represented this year, though! They'd had a couple nice ones last year as seen here and here.

However, I did pick up this old code reader for $5 from someone with a parts table. I've read they can be more trouble than they are worth, but maybe it will come in handy if I ever buy a Fiero lol!

If all goes to plan, I'll be looking at some soon. And even though I don't really know how to drive stick yet, they are both manuals. If one works out, hopefully it'll be fun for my daughter and I to learn (and not a disaster). We'll see...

1985 Fiero GT JUN 10, 01:13 PM
Those tools are a scam, they do nothing a paperclip can't do, they literally just short 2 pins together in the connector to put the ECM into diagnostic mode. What most people like to get is a scan tool, which has a screen that displays actual information that the ECM is reading, sensor data, etc. but this is nothing more then a fancy bent paperclip.
82-T/A [At Work] JUN 10, 01:58 PM

Originally posted by dizzie:

I went to a pretty large car show over the weekend. The one model I was hoping to see was not represented this year, though! They'd had a couple nice ones last year as seen here and here.

However, I did pick up this old code reader for $5 from someone with a parts table. I've read they can be more trouble than they are worth, but maybe it will come in handy if I ever buy a Fiero lol!

If all goes to plan, I'll be looking at some soon. And even though I don't really know how to drive stick yet, they are both manuals. If one works out, hopefully it'll be fun for my daughter and I to learn (and not a disaster). We'll see...


I bought one of those back in the day. For $5 bucks, I say it's OK... but like 85 Fiero GT said... they don't really do much. It DOES add some additional features if you have a newer car with ABS in a pre-OBD2 car... I forget how it makes a difference, but there's a little switch on it which includes a resistor or something that's needed in order to get it to work (for ABS)... but a Fiero won't have one, so it doesn't really matter.

In the Fiero, there's actually a pen tool which is a little thing that clips onto a pen, and shorts the two leads together (or you can use a paperclip), and it does the same thing. But hey... it's harder to lose when it's that big, and fits nicely in the slot so you don't damage the leads.
Jason88Notchie JUN 10, 02:16 PM
I've had this since early 90s. All it does is plug into the ALDL port. No switches or anything. It works just like a paper clip. But cooler.

82-T/A [At Work] JUN 10, 03:36 PM

Originally posted by Jason88Notchie:

I've had this since early 90s. All it does is plug into the ALDL port. No switches or anything. It works just like a paper clip. But cooler.

Ah ok... mine looks just like that, but has a little switch for pulling ABS codes. I'd take a picture but I have to head to the airport in a few minutes.
richard in nc JUN 10, 05:28 PM

Originally posted by 1985 Fiero GT:

Those tools are a scam, they do nothing a paperclip can't do, they literally just short 2 pins together in the connector to put the ECM into diagnostic mode. What most people like to get is a scan tool, which has a screen that displays actual information that the ECM is reading, sensor data, etc. but this is nothing more then a fancy bent paperclip.

not entirely true.they usually include a book dumbed down to tell you what the codes mean,and possible fixes.
dizzie JUN 10, 06:49 PM
Can't wait to use my $5 paperclip lol 😂. To be clear, this cheapie newer code reader I have won't help on a Fiero, right?

[This message has been edited by dizzie (edited 06-11-2024).]

Patrick JUN 10, 07:07 PM

Originally posted by dizzie:

Too be clear, this cheapie newer code reader I have won't help on a Fiero, right?

Right. That won't even plug into the Fiero's ALDL port.

theogre JUN 10, 07:13 PM
I see them often @ flea markets etc. Not worse buying even @ $5.

Can find other products often w/o the big plastic case. Example: is part of Lisle 14900 Terminal Tool for GM to release Weather Pack pins. Was sold thru Dorman & others w/ simple stamp metal "code reader" work w/ GM & some others.

"Just like a Paperclip" is true but causes many problems because many use heavy clips/wires that damage the plug then use a ECM Scanner & "doesn't work" as the plug sockets won't connect w/ correct pins.

Dr. Ian Malcolm: Yeah, but your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could, they didn't stop to think if they should.
(Jurassic Park)

The Ogre's Fiero Cave

Jason88Notchie JUN 10, 07:35 PM

Originally posted by richard in nc:

not entirely true.they usually include a book dumbed down to tell you what the codes mean,and possible fixes.

Yep. It was a handy dandy tool to have back in the day. Here is a few pics of the book. You have to remember. This was a bit before internet.