'84 Duke started, then doesn't... (Page 1/3)
CSM842M4 JUN 26, 12:05 PM
After having sat in my garage for a few years, I threw the battery charger on our '84 2.5 4-speed, started it right up and backed it out of the garage. Shut it off and spent a little time cleaning up the car and the garage, went to start it to move it into the driveway properly and got nothing with the switch. Okay, nor completely nothing - I get the fuel pump prime and the hvac fan blowing. But nothing at all happens at the starter. Oddly, and maybe this will help with the diagnostics, there is no activity on the dash either. Starting the process with my test light, I show no voltage ever on either of the clutch/starter interlock wires. I'm going to dig into the Chilton manual (fwiw) to start looking for where the break/s might be, but if anyone has experienced this group of symptoms or has any insight... Thanks in advance - Chris
CSM842M4 JUN 26, 12:31 PM
As an addendum - Chilton seems to indicate there should be a junction block near the battery, where numerous connections and fusible links would be located. Our '84 shows no such junction block. Another drawing in the manual shows a fusible link at the starter solenoid; busy doing a little grandparenting, so it may be a minute before I have the opportunity to investigate. But I can see this set of issues being the result of a fusible link problem...
RWDPLZ JUN 26, 12:42 PM
That junction block wasn't added until the 1985 model year. The 84's have their own unique wiring, and a lot of differences to the 85+ cars, likely as a result of packaging the V6.
Patrick JUN 26, 03:04 PM

Originally posted by CSM842M4:

Starting the process with my test light, I show no voltage ever on either of the clutch/starter interlock wires.

What's the voltage right off the battery?
cartercarbaficionado JUN 26, 05:10 PM
your solenoid and fusible link on the starter are going bad. my 88 and 84 did the same thing and a new solenoid helped the 84 but ultimately it needed a fusible link in my case
CSM842M4 JUN 26, 06:32 PM
Thanks, RWDPLZ, Patrick and carter... Showing 12.41 volts at the battery, after brief charging sessions and short engine-run duration. It wouldn't surprise me for it to be a combination of link AND solenoid. Hopefully I'll be able to address the issues in an afternoon or two after work, and not have to leave it sit for any significant time.
Patrick JUN 26, 07:10 PM

Originally posted by CSM842M4:

After having sat in my garage for a few years...

I suspect it's corrosion at one or two positive connections and/or negative grounds that's causing the issue. Have you at least loosened and then retightened the battery connections? I'd also see if the battery could be brought up to a fully charged state of 12.6 volts.
CSM842M4 JUN 26, 08:43 PM
I checked voltage across the terminals at the battery and got the 12.41. Also checked at the chassis ground and the engine ground, as well as at the alternator hot post. Haven't got to the solenoid yet because granddaughter, but in the morning while she's still sleeping... anyway, at all the points I HAVE checked, voltage was better than 12.3. Yes, the battery would benefit from a good, soaking slow charge to 12.6+. I'll prolly start that while I'm making my way to the solenoid and fusible link/s attached there.
theogre JUN 27, 08:17 AM
Yes, 84 has a lot of wiring different to later & don't follow any "book" showing later cars.

Yes, full charge is 12.6+. "Dead" is only 12. See https://web.archive.org/web...ierocave/battery.htm

Maybe "bad" fusible link(s) @ the starter...
Alt wires go thru C500 & often have problems there. See https://web.archive.org/web...erocave/altsense.htm
Check the alt side plug & main out are good & tight. Not to tight for main or can wreck the stud & regulator.

Quick test is @ the alt jump output to red wire on side plug. If Volt out @ main or battery changes while car runs then likely have wiring problems in link page.

Dr. Ian Malcolm: Yeah, but your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could, they didn't stop to think if they should.
(Jurassic Park)

The Ogre's Fiero Cave

CSM842M4 JUN 27, 09:25 AM
Thanks, ogre. Good information as always. Status update - after 20 minutes on a 15 amp charge rate, the battery shows 12.71 volts at its terminals; i get 12.70 volts at the starter solenoid post, with the ground going through one of the thermostat housing bolts. I am becoming convinced that this is a fusible link problem.
Trying to chase it out and hopefully find and remedy any other potential reliability and safety issues along the way, I pulled the firewall connector apart. Questions that arise now are - since every connector in the car has a "C" number, which one is this? And, without unwrapping the entire harness to chase the two wires attached to the links, does anybody know which cavities those wires occupy in the connector? I may still have a solenoid issue, with everything being so close to the exhaust, but I would like to rule out (or in) the links...