Could someone take a picture of their 84-86 Iron Duke? (Page 1/2)
82-T/A [At Work] JUL 06, 09:19 PM
I'm trying to get a picture of the front of the engine (where the belts are). I'd like to see where the main wiring harness goes. It appears to me in the service manual that it goes around the intake, and then above and over the alternator bracket (behind the dog bone), and then mounts across the front of the motor at the top, back to the firewall and then cantelievered over the belt area and plugs into the C500 connector (or whatever that one is by the battery). I can't really tell if it goes up through the middle of the intake, or along the edge, or tucked between the dog bone and the valve cover, or underneath the dog bone... the diagram in the service manual is not at all clear.

jelly2m8 JUL 07, 01:59 AM
If no one posts, lmk, I have an 88 4 banger here, the lay out should be similar.
cartercarbaficionado JUL 07, 02:14 AM

Originally posted by 82-T/A [At Work]:

I'm trying to get a picture of the front of the engine (where the belts are). I'd like to see where the main wiring harness goes. It appears to me in the service manual that it goes around the intake, and then above and over the alternator bracket (behind the dog bone), and then mounts across the front of the motor at the top, back to the firewall and then cantelievered over the belt area and plugs into the C500 connector (or whatever that one is by the battery). I can't really tell if it goes up through the middle of the intake, or along the edge, or tucked between the dog bone and the valve cover, or underneath the dog bone... the diagram in the service manual is not at all clear.


never routed mine properly because lazy. it goes onto the valve cover by the intake. my opinion is get it to a spot where it's easy to put, reach, and keep safe from rotating psrts
Stingray92 JUL 07, 07:53 PM
For what ever reason I'm not able to load up images from my 84. I know what you're talking about, did a lot of research myself. In short the wires in front run above the timing gear and then under the manifold against the block.

Regarding the pics, I'm trying from my cell phone, just got back from vacay, now gotta deal with broke c/a!

I found you have to look through multiple sections of the fsm, some detail is severely lacking in what one would think relevant. More than willing to lend a hand if I get can uploading a photo figured out.

82-T/A [At Work] JUL 07, 08:09 PM

Originally posted by jelly2m8:

If no one posts, lmk, I have an 88 4 banger here, the lay out should be similar.

Thanks Jelly, I would really appreciate it. I can't seem to find an image, I looked again the manual. It definitely goes... somewhere... just not sure. I know the large harness goes from the ECM hole up against the firewall... two relays shoot off to the drivers side. The rest of the harness (which is like 80% of it), then goes across and runs over the transmission bell-housing, where it begins attaching to everything, and then runs underneath the intake manifold over to the alternator. I've got ALL of that. It's ONLY where the rest of the harness goes ... as it goes to the C500 connector. It goes up over the alternator bracket, or under the alternator bracket... just not sure, and then runs along the front of the motor ... up by the cyl head obviously, since it can't get in the way of the belt, and then cantilevers over to the battery area and back into the C500 connector. I'd just really like to see what that looks like. It appears I didn't take enough pictures of that area when we started pulling everything apart.

Thank you!

Originally posted by cartercarbaficionado:

never routed mine properly because lazy. it goes onto the valve cover by the intake. my opinion is get it to a spot where it's easy to put, reach, and keep safe from rotating psrts

Yeah, I just can't remember where... is it over or under, and what brackets does it use to keep it from sagging and hitting the belt? Thanks!

Originally posted by Stingray92:For what ever reason I'm not able to load up images from my 84. I know what you're talking about, did a lot of research myself. In short the wires in front run above the timing gear and then under the manifold against the block.

Regarding the pics, I'm trying from my cell phone, just got back from vacay, now gotta deal with broke c/a!

I found you have to look through multiple sections of the fsm, some detail is severely lacking in what one would think relevant. More than willing to lend a hand if I get can uploading a photo figured out.

I've discovered that if you aren't already logged in, it will fail. You have to log in first (somewhere else), and then you can respond to an e-mail where you click the UPLOAD MEDIA button in the lower left-hand corner. Let me know if that works. I really appreciate any pictures.

Thank you!!!

cartercarbaficionado JUL 08, 03:56 AM

Originally posted by 82-T/A [At Work]:

I've discovered that if you aren't already logged in, it will fail. You have to log in first (somewhere else), and then you can respond to an e-mail where you click the UPLOAD MEDIA button in the lower left-hand corner. Let me know if that works. I really appreciate any pictures.

Thank you!!!

ugh my brain wasn't working after last night. it goes under and attaches to brackets on the side plate. after that it kinda just goes up and I've stuck it out of th3 way on the head by the core plug

cartercarbaficionado JUL 08, 04:01 AM
forgive the jank harness. I chose not to route it into thr factory channel for it somewhere on the timing cover or head. I forget why but I do remember the parts car also did not have it

82-T/A [At Work] JUL 08, 09:22 AM

Originally posted by cartercarbaficionado:

forgive the jank harness. I chose not to route it into thr factory channel for it somewhere on the timing cover or head. I forget why but I do remember the parts car also did not have it

Thanks CarterCarb... I re-oriented your image so I could see it better...

So just to be clear, I don't see the main harness that goes to the C500 connector. Did you re-route that along the firewall? Or is it going along some other path? I'm trying to replicate what the factory had, but I can't seem to find any pictures at all that show wher it goes. I seem to recall that it was supposed to protrude out the front of the engine (hanging over the belts).

cartercarbaficionado JUL 08, 05:54 PM

Originally posted by 82-T/A [At Work]:
Thanks CarterCarb... I re-oriented your image so I could see it better...

So just to be clear, I don't see the main harness that goes to the C500 connector. Did you re-route that along the firewall? Or is it going along some other path? I'm trying to replicate what the factory had, but I can't seem to find any pictures at all that show wher it goes. I seem to recall that it was supposed to protrude out the front of the engine (hanging over the belts).


it's shoved around the battery. its also a 1984 first 3 month car so stuff is very weird
jelly2m8 JUL 08, 08:43 PM
This is an 88, looks like same basic layout. Was getting dark out when I remembered to get some pics.