Does this look right? Slave-cyl, engagement, 5-Speed Isuzu / 2.5 (Page 1/1)
82-T/A [At Work] JUL 07, 08:28 PM
Hey guys, sorry for all the spamming. Does this clutch slave cyl look correct? It seems like it's at too sharp of an angle. I guess I assumed that it should / would be at a perfect 90 degree angle. Of course, when it properly depresses the clutch arm, it'll probably be at a more correct angle... but this doesn't look right.

Concern is, the transmission shop had to buy a used 5-Speed and build one good one from the parts of the two. As a result, a couple of things weren't exactly correct, but I tried to use all the parts from the original 5-Speed, including the clutch arm. I realize also, the clutch arm is very far down on the shaft and I can get another 1/8th of an inch by moving it further out... but is this acceptable looking? or is there something seriously off about this?


Installed with the proper nuts, etc... (and correct orientation)

... test fitting (upside down apparently), without the boot so you can see the angle of the rod:

Patrick JUL 07, 08:43 PM

I'm not 100% sure, but I don't think the slave push rod should be at that angle.
82-T/A [At Work] JUL 07, 08:49 PM

Originally posted by Patrick:

I'm not 100% sure, but I don't think the slave push rod should be at that angle.

It looks odd to me too... unfortunately, the bell-housing was from another 5-Speed, and I wonder if it was slightly different. :/

I suppose I can adjust / modify the bracket a little bit, but it's a really heavy-duty bracket (obviously).
Patrick JUL 07, 09:26 PM
I suspect it's the wrong clutch arm. I found the following image and text online.

Originally posted by The Dark Side of Will:

The Muncie 4-speed and Isuzu 5-speed use the same arm; the long one to the right in the picture. The Fiero Getrag uses the one in the middle. The FWD Getrag uses the one on the left. Note that there is also a stamped steel Isuzu and Muncie arm. These are known to crack and bend. Avoid them! Use the cast iron ones shown in the pictures here.

Your Isuzu requires the long arm on the right. What's the number stamped on the arm you've installed?

[This message has been edited by Patrick (edited 07-08-2024).]

82-T/A [At Work] JUL 08, 07:43 AM

Originally posted by Patrick:

I suspect it's the wrong clutch arm. I found the following image and text online.

Your Isuzu requires the long arm on the right. What's the number stamped on the arm you've installed?

Thanks Patrick, I didn't go down and look at the number, but I know sure as anything I have the larger one. I'm wondering if perhaps the case was slightly different? When I got the transmission back they had installed the other kind of clutch arm, which is the stamped one (basically a bunch of steel flat stock welded together with an adjustable plastic block that slides into it). I replaced it with the long arm that was originally on the other transmission. Clearly, there was a difference that I didn't realize until we started putting all the brackets on.

I think I can modify this bracket to work with it, I'll have to elongate the hole so that I can slide the bracket down further. I can also pull the clutch arm out a bit more which will adjust it further. I guess I just need to know if a slight angle is acceptable. I'll be able to improve it significantly from this.
olejoedad JUL 08, 08:07 AM
The slave cylinder pushrod should NOT be at an angle.

It should be linear.
82-T/A [At Work] JUL 08, 09:12 AM

Originally posted by olejoedad:

The slave cylinder pushrod should NOT be at an angle.

It should be linear.

Ugh, ok... thanks Joe.

How do you recommend I approach this? I can modify the bracket... is that what you recommend? The transmission itself came with a rather cheap clutch arm (which I no longer have). It's the one that everyone says bends, etc. I can try to get another one though... but I'm using a bell-housing from a different car, a casing from a Fiero, and a clutch arm and bracket from a Fiero. The bell-housing is apparently slightly different.

My thought on the easiest way to handle this, is to simply modify the bracket the slave cyl is attached to (either bend it in a press, or drill the holes in a different spot).


Thank you!
olejoedad JUL 08, 11:27 AM
From pictures, it's difficult to tell.
You are the guy with the eyes on the situation, you solution sounds better.
Although, if you ever need to change the transmission, a modified bracket won't be helpful!
82-T/A [At Work] JUL 08, 11:37 AM

Originally posted by olejoedad:

From pictures, it's difficult to tell.
You are the guy with the eyes on the situation, you solution sounds better.
Although, if you ever need to change the transmission, a modified bracket won't be helpful!

Ok, I'll go that path then. I'll likely just measure it up and drill a new hole in the bracket.
