Inertia switch (Page 1/1)
Wichitabob AUG 04, 11:01 AM
Where’s the omertà switch(emergency fuel shutoff) on 1986 Fiero V6 ?
82-T/A [At Work] AUG 04, 11:12 AM

Originally posted by Wichitabob:

Where’s the omertà switch(emergency fuel shutoff) on 1986 Fiero V6 ?

It's timed... basically, when the car explodes into a fireball, the fuel is shut off. (joke)

... there is no inertia switch. They're common in race cars, but they didn't start showing up in cars until like the late 1990s. I know my 2009 Ford Explorer has one, and I think my 2002 Crown Victoria LX has one. To be honest, I don't think the Fiero really needs one. It takes a hell of a lot for a Fiero to flip over.