Tcc solenoid socket wiggle (Page 1/1)
Gizmo0816 AUG 26, 05:23 PM
I went to unplug it, because I am going to have to drive it tomorrow to work because my other car was going in for inspection. When I touched it, I noticed it wiggle left to right a bit, but not up and down.

I also think water accumulation from this mornings rain had come out of it or at least from on top of it or either some fluid is getting out, but it was not red and did not taste like transmission fluid and/or look like any fluid that it would use, so I don't think it's a leak. Just tasted like dirt from the bottom of the engine.

My main question is, is it wiggling a bad thing and can water get in there and cause any damage.

If so, do I need to put some epoxy or something around the socket?
fierofool AUG 26, 07:48 PM
There is a barbed tang that holds the TCC case connector in the transmission housing. An O-ring makes the seal. Time and heat make the plastic brittle so any novement such as disconnecting the harness could possible break the tang. It's possible that water could get inside if the O-ring is worn.

It can be replaced without opening the side cover of the transmission but you will probably drop a couple of pieces of plastic into the pan. The filter should catch them. Probably best done with the wheel and liner removed. The solenoid switch wires will extend outside the case enough to make the swap. The TCC Case Connector can be a difficult part to find. Transmission Parts Warehouses like TransStar is where I have found them. It was used in a wide range of GM vehicles, especially those with the Th125 transmission.

Gizmo0816 AUG 26, 07:58 PM

Originally posted by fierofool:

There is a barbed tang that holds the TCC case connector in the transmission housing. An O-ring makes the seal. Time and heat make the plastic brittle so any novement such as disconnecting the harness could possible break the tang. It's possible that water could get inside if the O-ring is worn.

It can be replaced without opening the side cover of the transmission but you will probably drop a couple of pieces of plastic into the pan. The filter should catch them. Probably best done with the wheel and liner removed. The solenoid switch wires will extend outside the case enough to make the swap. The TCC Case Connector can be a difficult part to find. Transmission Parts Warehouses like TransStar is where I have found them. It was used in a wide range of GM vehicles, especially those with the Th125 transmission.

Thanks I plan on replacing the solenoid soonish along with a trans fluid change, so I'll add that to the list.

Gizmo0816 AUG 26, 08:11 PM
One more question tho mines a square not a circular connection is that not the th125 then, because I thought that's what was in the base 88 l4's

It looks more like this

[This message has been edited by Gizmo0816 (edited 08-26-2024).]

fierofool AUG 27, 05:50 PM
That's just the external end. My view is the internal end.
fierofool AUG 27, 06:10 PM
If replacing the TCC solenoid switch, take pictures of the wire routing and the position of the clips. It's possible that incorrect routing or clip placement can allow the wires to be damaged when driving.

Gizmo0816 AUG 28, 05:29 PM

Originally posted by fierofool:

That's just the external end. My view is the internal end.

Gotcha. OK thanks