Weird A/C Compressor connection problem... (Page 1/1)
82-T/A [At Work] AUG 31, 01:24 PM
So, I ordered a "NEW" 1987 A/C compressor (V5 compressor). I received it, and I'm trying to hook up a 1987 A/C line. I discovered that all the new V5s have a totally different connection to the compressor. It looks the same, but on the little manifold, one of the holes is deeper than the other, meaning that the lines never match up. I'm reluctant to go buy another compressor, because they all seem to look the same.

This is a NEW compressor for an 87, by 4 Seasons on Rock Auto:

Notice the hole closer to the top in the picture is deeper. This prevents the manifold from making a proper seal.

I've checked dozens and dozens of A/C compressor line sets, and just ordered an ORIGINAL 1987 2.5 4cyl line set, and they all have the same style connector, neither of which is DEEPER.

Any ideas? I'm wracking my brain and none of the searches I've come up with have referenced it (maybe I'm using the wrong terms). Is there possibly a larger gasket that goes in here?

82-T/A [At Work] AUG 31, 04:24 PM
Ok, I don't know if I solved my problem, but I thought I'd share what I've found so far... I searched the internet far and wide, and discovered that Four Seasons has a series of compressor mounting flanges, and of course... their new compressors are designed to "the lowest common denominator." Case in point, they want to be able to ensure the single compressor will meet all different vehicle requirements. I found a chart on, which I'll post here. It talks about different compressor mounting flanges and the different kinds of gaskets needed.

I'll also copy/paste the image here in case that link ever fails above:

After searching for different things on eBay and Amazon, I bought about $50 dollars worth of crap... only for a "kit" that comes with all of it, to show up as "also available," (which didn't come up in any searches).

Kind of frustrating, but never the less, here is the "kit" from four seasons which comes with EVERYTHING:

Anyway, it seems like this will solve my problem. So, when the stuff comes tomorrow from Amazon, I'll see what fits and what does not... and then respond back here if that solves my problem.
IMSA GT AUG 31, 04:41 PM
And of course, reading the Amazon reviews, mentions no instructions so you're on your own to figure out which combination works best for your application. I'm sure it will work fine but it seems like a puzzle.
82-T/A [At Work] AUG 31, 09:59 PM

Originally posted by IMSA GT:

And of course, reading the Amazon reviews, mentions no instructions so you're on your own to figure out which combination works best for your application. I'm sure it will work fine but it seems like a puzzle.

Yeah, it's weird, but I'm as convinced as ever that this will solve my problem... so I'm pretty happy, but definitely strange, haha...