5 speed gear shift assembly (Page 1/1)
Sir Sdv SEP 04, 09:25 PM

I am in need of a 5 speed gear shift assembly. The plate where cables connect, shifting mechanism, and the stick. Does anyone know where I can source one? This is the last piece I need to complete my F23/SC 3800 swap. I've tried a few places with no luck. Is there another 5 speed assembly that can be used if Fiero one is not available. I appreciate the help.

fierofool SEP 04, 10:56 PM
Any 85-88 Fiero 4-cylinder Isuzu 5-speed shifter will work. Looks a little different than the V6 Getrag shifters, but they work the same. You can swap out the shifter lever if you prefer the height of your Getrag shift lever.
Vintage-Nut SEP 04, 11:13 PM
And post your "WTB - 5 speed gear shift assembly" in "The Mall"

Original Owner of a Silver '88 GT
Under 'Production Refurbishment' @ 136k Miles