fitting digital gauge in original speedo or. when iam bored part II (Page 1/8)
Fieromaniac APR 11, 05:22 AM
half year ago i had a plan......
creating this by using a bicyclecomputer
features :
Total KM or MLS
Trip KM or MLS
Speed KM or MLS
average speed
time driven
Processor of this BC can calculate up to 270km/h correct . Somebody told me , or maybe i read it here , that a "Duke" never goes that fast
So that should be ok.

so i bought a Sigma BC800 from E-Bay and took my dremel

after some worke it looks now that way

iam getting to it

just to test if it still fit

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Plasmafolia is next step
then ill connect it to the BC sensor which i fixed on 1 axle .

updates follow

[This message has been edited by Fieromaniac (edited 04-11-2007).]

jscott1 APR 11, 11:31 AM
Very cool and interesting idea. I hope you can take some better close up pictures when you are done.
Fieromaniac APR 11, 12:39 PM
ok iam done with the Speedo

took me a sheet plasmafilm , my Inkjetprinter , and inkjetfilm
Plasmafilm is white and when activated deep blue

Speedo in Dash

now i try the plasmafilm backlight then ill be done for today

[This message has been edited by Fieromaniac (edited 04-11-2007).]

Fieromaniac APR 11, 03:21 PM
hmmm couldnt sleep so i finished the RPM / Oilpressure gauge too ....
..... i think iam obsessed .... i should join anonym fieroholics .....

further pics follow
Emc209i APR 11, 03:37 PM
Fieromaniac APR 11, 03:43 PM
Materialcosts so far:

BC800 - Ebay 9 €
Plasmafolia - Ebay 21€ inc. inverter
Inkjetfilm - 9 € discounter
+ some other small stuff = 45€ round about

Emc209i APR 11, 04:13 PM
Explain how the layers work, I assume you just printed black ink on a layer above the one that glows?
Fieromaniac APR 11, 04:34 PM

i only printed the black parts on transparent waterproved printerfolia

Fiero1Fan APR 11, 04:36 PM
Looks really good!!
Dodgerunner APR 11, 05:22 PM
Very neat idea, are you going to have to build very much of an interface to connect it to the speedo feed?