IMSA Racecar resoration:The rebirth of the Seyfert/Buist Fiero (Page 10/10)
Dave Deerson MAR 06, 08:51 PM
I haven't posted in so long that I forgot how to attach pics to a post!! I promise that I will get to uploading some pics to photobucket for and update. Last season was fun and the car finally feels and runs how I intended it to. It was a lot of work, but some engine, transmission and suspension tweeks made all the difference.
Be back soon
mcguiver3 MAR 12, 06:31 AM
Don't know if you remember me but I am in Ct with CART.
I believe you sold your old #14 car to Dana a few years ago.
We meet at Pocono at one of our track days.
I drive #41 Fiero.
I just saw this thread and remember you talking about having talked to some of the
original designers of that car and having the original drawings to.
Is this correct?
I would appreciate some seeing some oics too.
Get cracking man..........................
We have 6 guys driving Fieros on a regular basis in the club.
Good to see someone activly campaining one to show the rest of the non-believers out there.

Thanks, Bob Doiron
President, CART
PhantomMs1 MAY 28, 09:52 AM
any update for this season? pics are always a great way to show off what's happening this season
Dave Deerson NOV 25, 11:33 AM
I just found this thread after a few years and felt like it needed some closure. The car was sold August of 2014 ans is now terrorizing tracks near the Montana area!! I miss it time to time but the time had come to move on and let it go to start a new chapter with someone who will spend the time and effort to keep running and enjoying it. As my life got more full with two great sons, a loving,supportive wife,and a business, I felt I needed to dial back the intensity of my racing efforts. I just didn't have the time anymore needed to properly maintain the car. I have returned to where I started,Spec Miata racing, where I can still get to the track and enjoy the heat of battle,but the car just demands far less in terms of commitment to maintain.
It was a hell of a journey researching,engineering, building and then driving this beast. It was just a shame these cars( Original IMSA Fiero race cars) never got the proper reception they deserved. I learned much, met many great people and use the knowledge and experience gained from that car on the many projects since and in the future. I thank you for the genuine interest by many on this site and wish you all the best with the task of keeping interest the the Fiero in the years to come..............
Dave Deerson NOV 25, 05:52 PM
Here are some pics getting loaded up and heading out on down the road...................

davylong86 NOV 25, 07:54 PM
Thanks for the update. A fine looking race car it is. Hope the new owner has as much fun as you did. Can you sneak a pic of the Miata in here?
Dave Deerson NOV 26, 04:56 PM
Here you go! 2002 NB Spec Miata. Maybe not as much power and handling, but just as much fum!! Really!!

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BV MotorSports DEC 02, 12:16 AM

Originally posted by Dave Deerson:

Dave D.

I must have this in my life. I absolutely love the way this looks.