Rhythm - Rolling Art (Page 14/14)
JayinMI MAR 09, 06:18 AM

Originally posted by iNVisionPROTOTYPES:

She's a roller!

Not exactly sitting on 20's yet, but to free up the frame table R2’s body was transferred onto it’s own body cradle.

The profile of the car in this pic reminds me of a Lotus Exige S. Maybe stretched a little. Love it! lol Great work!

Sage MAR 09, 01:28 PM
Fantastic build....great thread.

Please continue with the updates.
iNVisionPROTOTYPES MAR 09, 08:49 PM
Thanks very much guys!

As the interior is taking shape, the hood and hatch hinge final design details are being addressed.

Can't wait til we get started on the chassis taking it from paper to reality. Still have a ways to go though before she's a true roller.

Nick M.

A journey in design and fabrication begins with a vision, a single pen stroke ... and in some cases the blow of a hammer.

Some projects: http://www.facebook.com/iNVisionPrototypes