"The Survivor" build thread (Page 2/9)
fieroboom DEC 04, 11:53 PM

Originally posted by exoticse:

Yeah i had noticed the rust early on and it just kept getting worse as you pulled the panels off, and i even made a comment on the other thread.

i understand about the sentimental value, but i really, really think it would be way faster, cheaper, and easier just to get another fiero on cheap.

Don't feel defeated, just feel empowered to do it easier and better.

Best of luck whichever direction you choose.

I understand, and if it were any other car or any other person, I would agree 100%, and probably would even give the same advice myself... But for me, it's not about cheap, or easy; it's about a dream I had for this specific car, and I'm a hard-headed bastard... I knew it was gonna be bad too, I just didn't think it would be quite that bad, and I hope you didn't think I ignored you, I didn't, I'm just determined to move forward...

Anyway, I went back downstairs and decided to play with my new welder and see what I can do with it. They claim it can do 1/8" steel in one pass... eh, kinda iffy on that, but it does weld exhaust pipes together quite well!

[This message has been edited by fieroboom (edited 12-05-2008).]

Archie DEC 05, 07:46 AM
This thread is going to be GREAT.

In case you're looking for a great condition rear half, I was talking to a guy in Iowa a few days ago that has a 4K or 5K mile 85 (or 86) chassis. He has it all stripped down & the back 2/3 rds of it is in perfect condition. He's looking to get rid of it because he's getting ready to move.

If you're interested, let me know.

Otherwise keep up the good work.

fieroboom DEC 05, 09:21 AM

Originally posted by Archie:

This thread is going to be GREAT.

In case you're looking for a great condition rear half, I was talking to a guy in Iowa a few days ago that has a 4K or 5K mile 85 (or 86) chassis. He has it all stripped down & the back 2/3 rds of it is in perfect condition. He's looking to get rid of it because he's getting ready to move.

If you're interested, let me know.

Otherwise keep up the good work.


Thanks so much Archie. That means a lot to me, especially coming from someone like you. It's you guys that keep my drive alive, and the comments like that make me even more determined than ever. Thanks!

As for the rear clip:
#1, Iowa is a pretty long ass way from me,
#2, I'm of the opinion: "If you have to fix it, make it better", and that's exactly what I intend to do.
But thanks for letting me know about it..

Since I'm building a new rear clip, I think I'd like to go ahead and add maybe 1" or 2" of stretch to it and bring the cradle back with it, so that my engine won't be 2mm from the firewall.
Archie, could you (or even someone else) post a couple of pics of how close one of your V8 conversions is to the firewall? If you could, I'd greatly appreciate it, so I can judge if a small stretch would be worth the extra effort and designing. Thanks again!
whodeanie DEC 05, 10:25 AM
oh man rust sucks!
I hate to hear it. the first car I got when I built my kitcar was worse than that. I was glad it only cost me 300 bucks and I was able to sell enough parts off it to pay for the next one. don't get down just rember that these cars are 20+ years old and need a lot of TLC to live longer.
PM me if I can help.
fieroboom DEC 05, 01:26 PM
Ok, I might have just lied... I found something that makes me want to put a rear clip back on...

First, let me say that it's pretty rare to find a Fiero anywhere within a decent distance from me.
The car is about 20 minutes from me, and if the price is right, I might just buy up everything he has left. He said he had three, sold two, and is parting this one out. He said it ran, so I asked him why he was parting it out, and he said no one bought it, and he was tired of it sitting in the yard... ?!?!?!?!? Say what? I told him I'd be out there as soon as I'm off work to look at it, and if he ever comes across any more, to let me know.

If I do buy what he has left, I'll be selling pretty much everything I can off of it to fund my project, as well as what I'm already selling from my project car, and it'll all be at rock-bottom prices. I'll let you know what I decide.


Journal of a concept: http://southeastfieros.com >>> Build Thread >>> Parts thread (for project funding)

Daredevil05 DEC 05, 04:45 PM
Any chance you can take a pic of the b-pillar, top view looking down into the b-pillar where you made the cut? Just curious what it looks like in there before I cut into mine in spring.

fieroboom DEC 05, 05:24 PM

Originally posted by Daredevil05:

Any chance you can take a pic of the b-pillar, top view looking down into the b-pillar where you made the cut? Just curious what it looks like in there before I cut into mine in spring.


Yeah sure, but keep in mind, mine isn't a regular chop at all... So you most likely won't do what I did with a straight cut across the bottom. Since I shrunk my roof, my B pillars will now lean forward a little, kinda like the fiberglass on a notchie rear clip behind the sail panel, but I'll take some pics when I get home.
ltlfrari DEC 05, 06:57 PM


Well I guess that's one way to get the motor out and it sure addresses the issue of the car sagging in the middle since there 'ain't no middle any mo!



DL10 DEC 05, 07:17 PM

That sure seems like a lot of work to pull the motor………
Your concept looks great. .It looks like you have everything you need to succeed. Keep your faith, keep your vision, make your dream…………….How’s that for a pep talk?? Keep us posted on your success.


fieroboom DEC 05, 07:39 PM

Originally posted by DL10:

That sure seems like a lot of work to pull the motor………
Your concept looks great. .It looks like you have everything you need to succeed. Keep your faith, keep your vision, make your dream…………….How’s that for a pep talk?? Keep us posted on your success.

Hey thanks! And actually, it's the easiest "drop" I've ever done... I was done cutting in about 5 minutes.