"The Survivor" build thread (Page 3/9)
fieroboom DEC 05, 08:58 PM

Originally posted by Daredevil05:

Any chance you can take a pic of the b-pillar, top view looking down into the b-pillar where you made the cut? Just curious what it looks like in there before I cut into mine in spring.


As requested:

Let me know if you need to see anything else.

I'm planning on filling all of those cavities with "Great Foam" before I'm done. I'm sure that will eliminate a lot of road noise. There are places that you can fill them in without cutting any metal. If any of you are interested in that idea, I can post some pics of the places I've noticed.
Daredevil05 DEC 06, 06:55 PM
Thanks for the pics. You're the best.

fieroboom DEC 07, 12:58 AM
Well, Friday was shop cleanup day, and I wanted to be able to park my Caddy in the garage again, so I was able to squeeze everything in and park it! I'm kinda surprised at how light the frame is once the clip is cut off and nothing's on it. With the front tires on, I was able to pick up the back end (where the firewall is), and move it around.

Today was really cool.
First, I got up at 7 and went to meet with the guy that has the '88 Formula I mentioned earlier. Looks like I'm probably going to be able to get it just by trading some programming & web development services for the guy. After talking a while with him, I found out that all he does is buy low dollar cars, and he either strips, parts-out, & scraps them, or fixes them up a little & sells them. He makes enough from this to not need an 8-5 job, but the kicker is, he's splitting his profits 50/50 with a guy just to list his parts on eBay, because he's not very good with computers.... Yeah, so I opened the door to him for possibility, because he said he comes across Fieros all the time, and this was the third one he's had this month... Told him I'd be happy to hook him up on a barter basis, since I have my own server & such. Anyway, he left me a msg while I was in Huntsville, so I gotta call him tomorrow and nail down the specifics. If any of you want to see the pics I took of the Formula, let me know, and I'll post them.

When I got back my fiance & I took a trip up to Huntsville and saw The Fiero Factory. I met with the owner, and we hung out a while. It was very exciting and very depressing at the same time to see 300+ Fieros sitting there, just waiting... for nothing in particular... I saw at least 4 Indy replicas, which was cool, because until then I had only seen one in passing on the interstate.
Shelves were just packed FULL of pulled parts, 4.9s everywhere, swaps in progress, 2.8s everywhere, wrecked Caddys outside, waiting to have their engines pulled.
I guess I should have expected the "junkyard aura", but it kinda hit me weird. I wanted to save them all, or at least get to work saving as many as I could from parts of others. Just wanted to keep them from wasting away. It was pure excitement and pure depression at the same time... weird. Anyway, here are some pics from the visit:

Um............ Can you say WTF??

Fun with a Cadillac bumper...

You can bar hop... or you can Fiero hop!

joshua riedl DEC 07, 07:50 AM
Instead of great foam you can go to a badger utility or some other over the road trailer builder and buy boxes of expanding foam. It's a 2 part mix and works really well. It's actually structural on trailers and holds up to fiberglass resin.
Back On Holiday DEC 07, 09:11 AM

Originally posted by fieroboom:
Um............ Can you say WTF??

Thats Ms Lori's Fiero, she works there.
fieroboom DEC 07, 04:54 PM

Originally posted by Back On Holiday:

Thats Ms Lori's Fiero, she works there.

Yeah. I know, it just sux that a little more time wasn't spent on it. It actually has the potential to look somewhat cool, at least IMO.
IMSA GT DEC 07, 05:30 PM

Originally posted by fieroboom:

Yeah. I know, it just sux that a little more time wasn't spent on it. It actually has the potential to look somewhat cool, at least IMO.

It's a shame she doesn't spend more time on ANYTHING. Must be A.D.D

Progress looks great on your car by the way
fieroboom DEC 07, 06:27 PM

Originally posted by joshua riedl:

Instead of great foam you can go to a badger utility or some other over the road trailer builder and buy boxes of expanding foam. It's a 2 part mix and works really well. It's actually structural on trailers and holds up to fiberglass resin.

Awesome, thanks so much for the tip! I think it'll cut down a lot on road noise, and I know it'll cost a lot less than Dynamat, and it'll fill pre-existing space instead of a mat lining the steel inside.
fieroboom DEC 08, 12:09 AM
w00t!!! Looks like I'm getting that '88 Formula with no cash out of pocket!! I am soooo excited! He's also supposed to get another Fiero either this coming week or the next. I'm doing a lot of computer & web work for him on a long term basis, and as a result, I get dibbs on all Fieros... This is going to be sooo sweet! This is definitely what I call a hook-up. It's also just the break I need to get things rolling better on my concept.

Oh, and today I had to replace a water pump on my '88 DeVille. What a poor engineering concept on behalf of GM. It was without doubt the most frustrating PITA I have ever experienced. Two of the larger bolts are #40 Torx head bolts, and wouldn't ya know it, one of them was so tight it stripped the head out. The only way I had to get it out was to weld a piece of an old ratchet extension onto it so I could turn it. But it worked, and all's well now. With all of that, needless to say I didn't get anything done on my concept today, but I did get some new welding rods that are three world's of difference from the crappy ones that came with the welder.

I probably won't be able to get much done tomorrow either, because I have to go meet with the guy that has the Formula so we can get the ball rolling on our barter stuff, but I will keep you posted!
pontiackid86 DEC 08, 12:31 AM

Originally posted by fieroboom:

Yeah. I know, it just sux that a little more time wasn't spent on it. It actually has the potential to look somewhat cool, at least IMO.

now now lets be fair even though she did fail to deliver on the quarterwindows it is an interesting design.