3800 Swap..something will catch fire. (Page 3/10)
Chris Hodson OCT 27, 03:30 PM
in reguards to that link.. I wish i could still post there lol. If you got it got and rammed it into some ice cold water... There ya go! Instant hardened steel! I dont see anything wrong with burning bushings out. But the threaded rod seems to be the way to go. But now where do i get those replacement bshings for the front? I can only find the sway bar bushings at the moment. I havent checked autozone yet to see if they have anything. Maybe ill check out fiero sails secrets.
K,, time to go back to school. Not only does my watch tell me the current time but also how to pass my next test ; )
fierobrian OCT 27, 04:39 PM
get alumi. cradle mount it take all the play out . you will notice if you don't and put in a bigger motor . i have to take my 3800 out over the winter so i can get the alumi cradle mount in there . if i get on hard the shifts alittle from the rear end . i have rebuilt everything back there but the cradle mounts
rodney dickman has them
m0sh_man OCT 27, 08:00 PM
im pretty sure i have two front cradle bushings that are poly, that thats all i have, you have to re-use the metal sleave that your bushings are in, but i could ship these to you for like $5 shipped.

you just press them into your existing bushings, PM or email me if interested, sorry i dont have the rear poly bushings.

Chris Hodson OCT 29, 06:23 PM
Trunk Idea. Use your imagination. "Thats a tranny cooler" btw

darkhorizon OCT 30, 10:12 PM
easier to mount the cooler up front like I did, it works great! there are even little holes to run the hose through.

BTW hurry up and get to the hard part, your wasting time!
Chris Hodson OCT 31, 12:15 AM
That took like 2 min to draw in paint lol. Its just an idea. Did you use rubber hose or metal lines to run it to the front? I was just going to run a few rubber hoses like the ones already there because they are cheap. I kinda wanted to do something that looks cool to. BUT thigns are going hella slow! My air compressor pooped out on me. I can see myself on half the cradle but the othe half still needs work. Its really expensive to get things sand blasted around here. In my down time im going to take the things i dont need off the engine. Im hopeing i can get the power steering pump to work on my berretta wich needs a working pump, so i can sell it and use that cash for my fiero. Someone is sending me a few bushings "thank you". Maybe i should start on the wiring while my compressor is down. The majoriy of my tools run off of air so im limited in the things i can get done. Maybe ill clean my garage a bit so i can move that blazer over and have more room to work. Actually scratch all that, im going to go take care of my drive shafts. Thats what ill do.
3800superfast NOV 01, 02:21 AM
A little articale about trans coolers at the top of page. http://dtcc.cz28.com/tech.htm and a little something for your axles, http://dtcc.cz28.com/swap/axles.htm
darkhorizon NOV 01, 01:35 PM
I loosely followed ryans axle information for my swap, and the axle was the wrong size. The beretta axle was very short for me, because you have a normal trans, just grab a transport van pass side axle, according to fieroflyer they bolt right in.
Chris Hodson NOV 01, 02:27 PM
Thank you. I was reading through that and was thinking, hmm i dont htink this is going to work. Because my driver's side axle did fit. Thank you dark, thats exactly what i needed to see! Off to the junkyard i go! ......I wish my compressor was working. Im going to see about getting the cradle sandblasted.
Chris Hodson NOV 04, 12:31 AM
Ah this isnt good. I cant figure out whats wrong with my compressor?!!??! I did get the pass axel off a transport for $15 though. Im starting to tear down my wire harness. I work third shift at a hotel so i think i can get alot done at a pretty good rate.