Fiero84Freak APR 20, 01:01 PM
You got my attention. That stretch is beautiful.

What the story with the spoilerless 2G DSM? Looks like another project you have going.
merciero APR 20, 08:52 PM
well thanks guys. i could of done a lil better on the stretch but i did it in like 2 hours at my work im a heavy duty truck fabricator. but the kit is a lil more affordable then people think. but yeah that dsm i got it when i was 16 my first car. it was a non turbo automatic. i raced it around thinkin i was fast and got a 600 dollar ticket so my parents took it away. so it sat in my driveway. so i put a kit on it. then that started my obsession. after like 4 kits it now has a widebody i blew the motor so i put 12 Gs into building and boosting the motor. then i shattered my tranny. an auto made for 115 HP had 435HP didnt hold up so i did a manual conversion on it. ive been working on that think for 7 years and everytime i get it done i wanna change something else. lol if you care ill take some pics of it.... i fiberglassed the whole interior, air cylinder suspension, 400+ motor its, not bad. but this was a GM forum so i didnt think anyone would care bout it.............

anyways update i got the harnesses all laid out with all the components hooked up there are a few places i had to cut the wires to get it out. so i just got done soldering like 100 wires together, i am missing an on star antenna in the rear so im looking for a grand prix around here i can look at.
merciero APR 20, 08:54 PM
i need some rims cheap but nice so im not rockin a flat and a dog-nut
Dash APR 20, 10:05 PM
PM sent about wheels man
merciero APR 21, 06:37 PM
ok i just go my radiators in so tomorrow i will make brackets and start mounting the radiators in the back
merciero APR 21, 06:53 PM

you should be able to click on something and see all the photos in the photobucket
excuse the blck front end im repainting the car so i didnt bother spraying it red yet.
PaulJK APR 21, 09:12 PM

[This message has been edited by PaulJK (edited 04-23-2009).]

PaulJK APR 22, 03:29 AM

[This message has been edited by PaulJK (edited 04-23-2009).]

merciero APR 22, 10:58 PM
got the rest of the wiring done. i gotta pull off and finish my ricer for a car show this weekend but im back on the fieralago in a few days.
HC APR 24, 05:51 AM

Originally posted by exoticse:


Are you familair with murci-me on the Kit car forum ?? ( Note: you might have to join the forum, it's free, to be able see the pics)

I just read through the whole build thread. Now THAT is the baddest Fiero out there, period. Anybody who hasn't yet visited should go over there and check this out. Thanks for the link exoticse, I saw you posting over there, I am user name veyr0n (just like everywhere on the internet but here).