Fool Everybody. Stereo looks stock, sounds great. (Page 4/19)
fierosound MAY 01, 09:09 AM

Originally posted by RWDPLZ:

Kru sells them on here for $150-200. I got mine at a junkyard for $45 becuase the display didn't work (burnt out display bulb).

I got mine from KRU as well. Not all Delco units have a functional Aux port that will allow use of an adapter for connection of an MP3 player. Those run in the $150-200 range.

I got the Monsoon unit so I could connect my MP3 player. It was $249

[This message has been edited by fierosound (edited 05-01-2007).]

ohio86se MAY 01, 10:13 AM
How did you inerface the stock Fiero sub slider with the subamp? or did you?



ambfiero MAY 01, 03:57 PM
Yeah, what ohio86se said.....
How did you inerface the stock Fiero sub slider with the subamp? or did you?

In loving memory of Harold Hummel (PFF 4WHEEL)

fierosound MAY 01, 05:05 PM

Originally posted by ambfiero:

How did you inerface the stock Fiero sub slider with the subamp? or did you?

My car never had one. That's also why I have an aftermarket amp.

BobadooFunk MAY 01, 09:32 PM
seeing as i know nothing about audio, do round speakers sound better?
fierosound MAY 18, 10:11 AM

Originally posted by BobadooFunk:

seeing as i know nothing about audio, do round speakers sound better?

Yup. You won't notice it at low and "normal" volumes, but as you push the volume to higher levels, oval speakers tend to distort because the cones don't move evenly. This in turn distorts the sound quality. Often people think the distortion is because they don't have enough power, when in fact their speaker is the problem.

FieroWannaBe MAY 18, 10:44 AM
how would one go about wiring the pillar speakers and headrest speakers?
fierosound MAY 18, 04:38 PM

Originally posted by FieroWannaBe:

how would one go about wiring the pillar speakers and headrest speakers?

Wouldn't do it myself because you're going to get strange staging and some weird impedance loads unless you're running external amps or something

Maybe someone who's done this can chime in.

FieroWannaBe MAY 19, 10:49 AM
Since I really know extremely little about circuits, and audio systems, (I'm pretty much failing my circuits class FYI) It would be possible to wire ti up 6 channel wouldn't it, Anybody know of any 6 channel decks? I know my roommates Firebird has 6 channel sound, how are those wired, do they use special decks or amps?

PROJECT 1986 GT Stormbringer

carbon MAY 20, 05:58 PM
Did you do something to increase the impedance of the components? The info I saw said they were 2 ohm... isn't that a little rough on the head unit?