fitting digital gauge in original speedo or. when iam bored part II (Page 4/8)
Fieromaniac APR 18, 08:20 AM
installed the cluster today

need to relocate the sensor i almost lost the magnet
funny thing is that u can read the display better in the night than on day
Jax184 APR 18, 08:50 AM

Originally posted by AP2k:

Bleh, it doesnt come in green.

EL sheet lighting is nothing new. It's been around for decades. If you poke around online, you can find the stuff in green.
chaosfinity APR 18, 11:46 AM
You had to remake your water and fuel gauges?
Fieromaniac APR 18, 11:55 AM
yes , EL-Foil on the Temp fuel gauge was damaged so i fitted this here
i also changed the odometer to match the miles of my car ( 103k)

[This message has been edited by Fieromaniac (edited 04-18-2007).]

Fieromaniac APR 22, 01:51 PM
mounted the Sensor with Epoxid powergum

and made several Testdrives to calibrate both Speedos to match with my GPS

if Speedo shows 200Kmh real Speed is 196 and thats very good i think
but i need to install some LED to improve the readability of the Display

[This message has been edited by Fieromaniac (edited 04-22-2007).]

Fieromaniac APR 28, 01:58 PM
building a 2nd cluster now

this time i will use a backlighted Digital Display and a digital Volt / Temperature Gauge
jscott1 APR 29, 04:06 AM

Originally posted by Fieromaniac:

if Speedo shows 200Kmh real Speed is 196 and thats very good i think
but i need to install some LED to improve the readability of the Display

You got your Fiero up to 200 KPH? I wish I lived in Germany
Fieromaniac APR 29, 04:29 AM
sure , it takes some time( no wind from front and no fat Passengers , and i need to jam the Headlightdoors before i want to travel faster than 160KmH ) to get it to 200 but most time , Autobahn is too full so normally i drive around 150 when i make my daily Trip to work.
9,5 L / 100KM = 2,508Gallon / 100km = 2.508 G / 62,15 mls = 24,78 mpg measured last 4000mls 50% Ethanol / 50% Premium Gasoline
with premium gas only i get
8,4L/100km = 2,2176Gallon /100KM = 2,2176Gallon / 62,15 mls = 28,07 mpg

Thats with the black 87SE
my blue 84 4Speed never see speeds beyound 140kph because RPM is getting >4500 then
muncie Performance nearly same accelleration like 88 V6 Getrag
but lousy mpg if u need to drive at least 120 - 130 kph if you want to use the middle lane and not the Trucklane ( 7-8 o clock and 17-18 )

[This message has been edited by Fieromaniac (edited 04-29-2007).]

Hudini MAY 02, 09:58 AM
Are there any other mods to the engine or ECM to handle the 50% ethanol you are running?
Fieromaniac MAY 04, 04:36 AM

Originally posted by Hudini:

Are there any other mods to the engine or ECM to handle the 50% ethanol you are running?

no Ethanolspecific mods , just performance mods and new fuelfilter
its a DIS L4 so i dont need to change ignitiontiming

[This message has been edited by Fieromaniac (edited 05-04-2007).]