Started my fiberglass dash build. (pics) (Page 6/6)
Taijiguy APR 06, 04:19 PM

Originally posted by rogergarrison:

I like the last one best myself John. My only suggestion might be to make the whole front face angled upward a little to make the gauges easier to read. It looks to me in the pics that the face is nearly 90* to the top. A sloping face would look better to me astheticly than straight up and down. Just something to think about. If youd like it, it shouldnt be that hard to remodify. You wouldnt even need to completely cut them apart. Just a cut 1/2 way thru clear across and bend it, clamp and reglass it.

The visibility is actually really good with it more or less straight up and down like that, although, I did cut some off the bottom front edge to make the whole face a little shorter all the way across, and lowered the front an inch or so and re-angled the face a bit. It has a much sleeker look now, not being quite so high overall. No pics at the moment but I'll grab some. I'm still on this project, I just get very de-motivated in the middle of winter, it really drags me down. But now with summer fast setting in I'm starting to feel my energy return. I'm hoping to get some stuff done on the whole project this year, including the 4.9 install.
Sharkman APR 07, 07:16 AM
Nice work

Europe # 1 choptop

Taijiguy JUL 20, 04:10 PM
It's been a long time coming, but I'm starting to get fired up about my dash build. I've spent a lot of time lately getting my shops organized so I could get back to work. I pulled the dash (which will actually serve as a plug when it's done) and got it back on my work table. I cut it down some, as it looked a little slab-faced to me. It doesn't look like much from this angle, and a crappy cell phone pic, but here it is at the moment anyway:

You can tell I cut about two inches off the bottom. I'm working on the re-placement of the gauges. From the beginning I said I wanted a very simple design, and I keep having to remind myself of that, as I tend to move into more complex designs without intending to. At the moment, I'm teaching myself Google Sketch-up in order to try and get a more accurate rendition of the end design. So far it's been a lot of trial and error (including two completely trashed dash designs) which has taken a bunch of time, wasted effort, and dollars needlessly spent on wasted materials. (Huh, design *before* you concept to me) The fact is, I usually design as I go, but this probably isn't the best project to use that approach with.

Anyway, I'm fired up and should be working towards some good progress over the next couple of months. Once I get the design/plug/mold/part process down I have some cool ideas in mind for the rest of the build, including some trim pieces for the 4.9.