My 88 Formula Interior Redesign (Page 85/87)
Sofa King OCT 04, 09:19 AM
No major progress to report as the sanding and removing of the foam continues... I'm hoping to work on the car alot this weekend. I have to remove the headliner and cut the holes for the recently reupholstered sun visors. It really sucks moving to a new house and wanting to work on your pride and joy at the same time...

Sofa King OCT 17, 09:58 AM
I dropped the panels off at another upholster shop and they jumped right on it - I forgot to get pics but I'm stopping by this afternoon. We decided on a few changes and they should be ready Monday or Tuesday of this week.

The door pulls... It just amazes me how poorly a job the previous upholster did. As you know I had the upholster also cover the pulls and add a light grey stitched area around the actual "hand pull". They placed a velcro strip behind the door pull (I'll post pics this evening). I didnt think much of it until I noticed the velcro strip begin to peel off. They added this strip to cover up the piss poor staple job they did instead of the stitching I had originally requested. Now... I get to drop these off as well... UGH!!!!! It really ticks me off!

Be back soon!
Sourmug OCT 17, 01:14 PM
Well, I'm sorry to hear about your frustrations. Hope you get it all sorted out with the new shop!

Sofa King OCT 17, 04:12 PM
So far so good. They have been very accomodating working / fixing someone else's work. I was afraid they would take offense for not bringing it to them the first time...

One thing I forgot to mention. The previous shop reupholstered the stock map pockets on the door panel after telling them, again, DO NOT TOUCH the pockets... they screwed up ALL the way around. Yes, they took a perfectly good set of pockets and destroyed them...
Sofa King OCT 20, 08:24 AM
Sorry guys... I keep forgetting to post pics. I get home from work and there is so much to do... ugh... what happened to good ol days when he didnt have to worry about bills, eating, sleeping, going to work, taking out the trash, etc...

I'll get those pics posted tonight

EDIT - Sorry for the wait... things just always seem to get in the way...

Door Pull - As you can see the upholster's stuck a velcro strip on the back of the door pull... why?

So they could hide their shoddy work and hope to get away with a half@$$ed job.

I asked them NOT to touch the pockets - they destroyed and reupholstered the pair

This is where we are now...

If you're in the Huntsville, Madison, Toney area... I would stay as far away from Freddie Louis Auto Accessories.

[This message has been edited by Sofa King (edited 10-23-2011).]

Sofa King OCT 24, 08:08 AM
The recessed area of the door panel where the door pull mounts will be stitched with new material. The material is unable to stretch enough to fit all the contours of the panel...

Stay Tuned
Sofa King NOV 26, 11:48 AM
CHECK IT! One down... one to go! After another disasterous "tour" with another upholstery shop they door panels are finally finished. They didnt turn out exactly the way I wanted them to but in the end... I guess they're ok... what do you think?

Back from the shop - I made the recessed area a grey - they did a terrible stitch job

I then cut / removed the areas for the handle and door pull

Because of the thickness of the vinyl I had to do two things. Remove material from the panel and widen the "channel" where the door panels rests

I kept the drivers side attached - it made it much easier to widen. Just a simple screw driver, a hammer and tap tap here and a tap tap there - you can see how much wider the "channel" had to be

Passenger side installed

I'm waiting for the glue to dry on the drivers side panel - I had to attached a new metal bracket that holds the door panel clip

Not too shabby!
1988holleyformula NOV 26, 12:39 PM

Originally posted by Sofa King:

Door Pull - As you can see the upholster's stuck a velcro strip on the back of the door pull... why?
So they could hide their shoddy work and hope to get away with a half@$$ed job.

Wow. What kind of businesses can afford to do shoddy work and lose customers in this economy?

But your last picture of the finished panels looks sweet!
Sofa King NOV 27, 09:04 AM
It was a very frustrating experience to say the least. What was supposed to take them less than a week wound up being almosy 2 months. I reluctantly gave them a second chance after waiting almost 3 months for the sunvisors. They did a great job stitching but the quality of work on the door pulls was clearly rushed. The owner felt bad but I dont think I could give them a third chance... however... you can see the quality of work the second upholsters did on the grey door panel inlays. Look at the great stitching! UGH...

Anywho... the panels are now finished and installed. And it only took how long? LOL I'm still not 100% satisfied. I still like my original idea.

HEY... IDEA! Does anybody sell a fiberglass door panel shell? I could have sworn I saw something a few years ago????
Axl_Rose DEC 06, 02:32 PM


HEY... IDEA! Does anybody sell a fiberglass door panel shell? I could have sworn I saw something a few years ago????

Funny you should ask...just stumbled accross this thread a day or so ago. From what i hear, he does great work!

website --->

thread ----->

btw...i havnt been on this site in a while but i remember seeing your build a year or so, those panels look great! wish i had the patients, skills, or budget to redesign my little red sleds interior.

GL on the rest of the build...i will be watching =)


[This message has been edited by Axl_Rose (edited 12-06-2011).]