Xanth's Interior Build/Restoration (Page 1/6)
Xanth JUN 22, 07:50 PM
I'm starting a thread to chronicle my upcoming interior restoration project, and will post the details as I go

And here is my current interior:

Actually in quite nice condition, I want to bring it up to excellent condition.
Xanth JUN 22, 07:52 PM
One of the first things I did, the speaker grills:


In progress:

And done
Xanth JUN 22, 07:57 PM
And here's what I did today:

FieroStore ABS headliner board, uncovered:

Covered the board with 1/4 inch foam:

Applied my new Vinyl:

Trimming for install:

And in the car:

Have to find that darn screw...

1/4 Panel needs cleaning badly:

And for the issues I still have to deal with:

My trim gasket is junk, so I left excess hanging off the top until I get a new one:

Corners don't seal up, due to the mangled gasket:
JesseM JUN 22, 08:38 PM
yeah like you said earlier, its in really nice condition, is this in your white formula?
Xanth JUN 22, 09:16 PM

Originally posted by JesseM:

yeah like you said earlier, its in really nice condition, is this in your white formula?

Black Formula
Songman JUN 22, 10:03 PM
How do you like the Fiero Store headliner? I am thinking of buying a blank one to try to cut out for T-tops.

The 6th Annual California Coast Run
October 24-26, 2008

Xanth JUN 22, 10:22 PM
This ABS board is great, very flexible but doesn't feel flimsy. Very easy to work with, actually looks good enough to use as-is. Very well-formed as well, though perhaps slightly small.

Here's a gallery with detailed pics of it:
Xanth JUN 22, 10:24 PM
Here's some material on its way out for a top-secret project

Perhaps you can guess what it will be.
topher_time JUN 22, 11:54 PM

Originally posted by Xanth:

Here's some material on its way out for a top-secret project

Perhaps you can guess what it will be.

I see sun visors laying there. So I can only guess...

you are recovering the sun visors.
Xanth JUN 23, 09:46 AM

Originally posted by topher_time:

I see sun visors laying there. So I can only guess...

you are recovering the sun visors.

That is half of it