Blue Devil Build Thread (Page 1/21)
Back On Holiday JUL 23, 10:07 PM
I've been slacking on my build thread post, between my digital camera disappearing somewhere and my constant non stop working on this car - so here we go:

started back in feb '06 installing/experimenting with door speakers and a set of bonneville door panels:

(if you wish to see how to move the window motors click the post above, otherwise heres some more pics

[This message has been edited by Back On Holiday (edited 03-20-2009).]

Back On Holiday JUL 23, 10:16 PM
I started a post about 3rd brake led light from a caddy sts, Dan Bunker's car:

after many hours of experimenting I believe to have done this also (95% done as of last night minus preping for painting)
pics to follow further in thread

Back On Holiday JUL 23, 10:29 PM
Next was an unexpected road trip to get a set of T-tops, there was a list of people who wanted to get these but didnt come through, when he posted final bump I PM'd him with my cell number and he called, and I picked them up the next day. I was originally just going to keep the sunroof but I couldnt resist getting these

(the 4sale thread)

my install thread:


[This message has been edited by Back On Holiday (edited 03-20-2009).]

Back On Holiday JUL 23, 10:52 PM
Right there is where I lost my digital camera, pretty ticked off that I had to buy a new one after looking many hours over several months for it.
so now we jump to July '06 - I swapped this to an auto from a 5 speed getrag because I wanted my wife to be able to drive it, and she doesnt drive stick. I also drive a manual truck ALL day, so sometimes its nice to just relax and use a crapomatic for my 1 hour drive home.

heres my post about "Help I have auto harnass on engine, but manual harnass under the dash problem - no start because of neutral safety switch etc..."

[This message has been edited by Back On Holiday (edited 03-20-2009).]

Back On Holiday JUL 23, 11:03 PM
heres pics of the 3rd brake light mod. I did not take "Final" pics yet, just test pics of fitting and things.

heres the wing showing the 3 access panels open (so that you can remove the LED light for replacement)

heres another view of the access panels

heres a view of the aluminum brackets inside

heres a view of the 3rd brake light basicly just "Sitting" inside, without being mounted all the way in.

heres another test fitting

heres a pic of me after measuring and having to sand 1/4 of an inch off the top part of the wing, and also round off the ends 1/4 of an inch also using the belt sander... lol hold your breath!

[This message has been edited by Back On Holiday (edited 03-20-2009).]

Back On Holiday JUL 23, 11:13 PM
Preping for painting! (todays long chore!)

actually, this bumper has 4 layers of paint on it, my son is helping out although not much with a dinky mouse sander - thankfully this is the only MAJOR sanding we had to do (took a good portion of the day to do)

will be posting more pics, have yet to post pics of the car sitting out in the lawn (should have done it today but in a rush)

oh, and btw my 60ish year old house is the oddball house in the neighborhood surrounded by new development

[This message has been edited by Back On Holiday (edited 03-20-2009).]

motoracer838 JUL 23, 11:31 PM

Originally posted by Back On Holiday:
oh, and btw my 60ish year old house is the oddball house in the neighborhood surrounded by new development

Don't ya just love it, when you buy a house in the middle of nowhere and a subdivision pops up around you! Iv'e got a friend that bought property , that at one time didn't have any other houses within 3/4 of a mile in any direction. Now he has to deal with covenent controls and ( Grrrr ) the HOA,homeowners asociation. He'd sell if it wasn't for the fact that he has a small fotune tied up in the place, he has two shop buildings totaling about 2500 sq ft. It's one helluva' home shop!!!

Looks like your project is coming along nicely.

Cheers Beers n Gearz. Joe
madcurl JUL 24, 12:00 AM
That's nice. How much did you get the Caddy's brake lamp for and what year?
Back On Holiday JUL 24, 09:31 PM

Originally posted by madcurl:

That's nice. How much did you get the Caddy's brake lamp for and what year?

came out to around $30, they tried to wheel and deal with me and I told em I dont know if it even works. ended up having to repair a short in it anyway (prob why they didnt originally pull it off the car) I believe it was a '93 or 94 STS
Back On Holiday JUL 24, 09:33 PM

Originally posted by motoracer838:

Don't ya just love it, when you buy a house in the middle of nowhere and a subdivision pops up around you! Iv'e got a friend that bought property , that at one time didn't have any other houses within 3/4 of a mile in any direction. Now he has to deal with covenent controls and ( Grrrr ) the HOA,homeowners asociation. He'd sell if it wasn't for the fact that he has a small fotune tied up in the place, he has two shop buildings totaling about 2500 sq ft. It's one helluva' home shop!!!

Looks like your project is coming along nicely.

Cheers Beers n Gearz. Joe

im lucky, im not part of the subdivision just backed into the corner of it, thankfully the home owners ASSociation cant do squat to me, only the township ordinances and my old lady can force me into not keeping 10 fieros in the back yard!

thx joe.