WTB - RH GT tailight cover (Page 2/2)
cliffw JAN 26, 12:22 PM

Originally posted by IMSA GT:
Yes they have. It doesn't work very well due to fading and water. Something like this:

The funny part about this photo is that someone actually took a lot of time manually delaminating the center section from the clear portion and they managed to keep it intact.

That does not look ugly. Show car wise, no trophy. Inspection legal, yes. Many people have never see a Fiero. They would never know the outer lens is missing.

All car lenses are subject to fading and water.

cliffw JAN 26, 02:16 PM
pokeyfiero's quarter window endeavor.


[This message has been edited by cliffw (edited 01-26-2025).]

Vintage-Nut JAN 26, 02:39 PM

I am not sure I can / Keith Goodyear was selling GM approved lenses.

GT / Fastback Taillights are a sealed "Sandwich" - A Front and Back
The Front is the Clear Tail Lens w/ Black "Pontiac" in the middle

When GM or Keith Goodyear clear lenes 'crack' - water can enter into the 'sealed sandwich'

Inside of the 'sealed sandwich' are two colored lenses for the Brake/Turn/Reverse and "Pontiac" bulbs

cliffw JAN 27, 09:51 AM

Originally posted by Vintage-Nut:
GT / Fastback Taillights are a sealed "Sandwich" - A Front and Back
The Front is the Clear Tail Lens w/ Black "Pontiac" in the middle

When GM or Keith Goodyear clear lenes 'crack' - water can enter into the 'sealed sandwich'

Inside of the 'sealed sandwich' are two colored lenses for the Brake/Turn/Reverse and "Pontiac" bulbs

Interesting. Thought provoking. Thanks.

Is a crack what causes de-lamination ? Perhaps bad / worn out sealant around the edges ?
gtoformula JAN 27, 06:39 PM
I've seen plenty of lenses, without cracks, delaminate. Most of the cracks that I see begin at the upper, horizontal area of the lens. Someone once told me that it was due to worn out, compressed decklid seals that allowed the decklid to contact the lens when slamming the decklid. I'm not convinced that this is problem as most of the lenses that I work on don't have any obvious contact marks were the decklid would contact the lens. Currently, I'm working on several sets of lenses and half of them have cracks extending along the upper, curved area of the lens. Unfortunately, when the cracks extend into the clear area, they can be resealed, but the cracks remain visible. If they are only in the black areas, they can be glued and hidden during the restoration process. I suspect that the delamination issue is compounded by heat. I just did a set of lenses that came from a car that was down for at least ten years in the Texas heat. The delamination was horrible and it took me forever to get them adequately glued back together. I've done a few sets for people in the midwest that sent me lenses that were not nearly as bad as what I see coming from warmer weather states. I have seen extremely few lenses that did not have some level of delamination. Those were from cars that were garaged and kept out of the sun or lenses that were removed a long time ago and put on a shelf.
Originally posted by cliffw:

Interesting. Thought provoking. Thanks.

Is a crack what causes de-lamination ? Perhaps bad / worn out sealant around the edges ?

Vintage-Nut JAN 27, 06:55 PM

I suspect that the delamination issue is compounded by heat. / I have seen extremely few lenses that did not have some level of delamination. Those were from cars that were garaged and kept out of the sun...

I believe you're correct about Heat/Sun/UV.

My original '88 GT lenes didn't delaminate and has been always in the garage when not driving.....