Seeking single front 88 wheel (Page 1/1)
WaterInYuhDish SEP 25, 09:24 PM
Hello friends,

This past week an 88 was put into a yard where I live. A fiero facebook friend notified me and I asked him to take the wheels because I need them. He got three off and couldn't get the 4th so left them all behind... To no surprise by the time I had a chance to go down myself, the 3 off the car were gone. So now I have a single front 88 lace wheel... I would really like to have at least two front 88 wheels so I can run them up front. Let me know what you've got! Preferably Gold.

Shipped to 84404

[This message has been edited by WaterInYuhDish (edited 09-25-2022).]

sspeedstreet SEP 28, 07:46 PM
I've seen a number of '88 wheels (singles) on eBay. Typically around $90.00 - $120.00 + shipping. 2FydGrfL2njoNkPh20PXsyMtdbyp%2FY17yGKN3aFYQdhkQc4VQvc9q94Je5H1aqpZfXJAdNu%2BeUSHXHWZ59u6K0dCVpRpk2E4nw7WApjgDnbmrQ%3D%3D%7Ctkp%3ABk9SR_j3sujwYA

[This message has been edited by sspeedstreet (edited 09-28-2022).]

cam-a-lot OCT 04, 08:02 PM
Hopefully you were able to grab the steering rack, maybe the brake master, calipers and some other 88 specific goodies?

How was the interior?