Need a good 2.8L (Page 1/2)
EMSguy4you JAN 27, 06:38 PM
87 GT (V6 2.8L with auto trans) - engine blew up, its toast. Need to replace, looking for a good running, lower mileage full engine. Live in SC, area code 29316. Will gladly give you my blown up one (lucky you) and whatever $$ we agree on. I’ve scoured the internet, LKQ, junkyards, tried a dozen different websites - several are selling either overpriced ones ($2,500) or ones claiming to have 60/70/80K miles that CarFax then says have a gazillion miles on them.

PLEASE only reply if you have an engine for me and are quasi-local or know of someone who is. I’m not rebuilding it, I’m not putting something else/different in her, and I’m not traveling cross country.

[This message has been edited by EMSguy4you (edited 01-28-2025).]

richard in nc JAN 27, 06:58 PM
an alternative
steve308 JAN 27, 07:50 PM
Archie (V8 Archie) had a 2.8 auto on a cradle with low mileage for $1500.00 listed last week. Could be worth a look and a drive to Vegas.
Vintage-Nut JAN 27, 08:00 PM

DCC9 3.4 V6 available now... that drops right in:

Rebuilding the original 2.8L engine is the 'cheaper' route.....

[This message has been edited by Vintage-Nut (edited 01-27-2025).]

Dspoeth JAN 27, 10:20 PM
I picked up a v8 swap and have the original v6 that was in the car. I am in NC just outside of Charlotte.
EMSguy4you JAN 28, 07:04 AM

Originally posted by Dspoeth:

I picked up a v8 swap and have the original v6 that was in the car. I am in NC just outside of Charlotte.

803text me493 What year car did it come out of? 1275. How many miles on it? ANY issues or problems? Is it kept/covered/secured indoors?
EMSguy4you JAN 28, 11:29 AM

Originally posted by Dspoeth:

I picked up a v8 swap and have the original v6 that was in the car. I am in NC just outside of Charlotte.

803text me493 What year car did it come out of? 1275. How many miles on it? ANY issues or problems? Is it kept/covered/secured indoors?
Vintage-Nut JAN 28, 12:41 PM
IF you're removing the engine yourself; this is only one thread of many on the subject:

Removing a V-6 Engine - By The Numbers {w/ Photos}

EMSguy4you JAN 28, 03:47 PM

Originally posted by Dspoeth:

I picked up a v8 swap and have the original v6 that was in the car. I am in NC just outside of Charlotte.

803 I’m newer on this forum 493 so let me know how 1275 to get in touch with you, thanks!

Vintage-Nut JAN 28, 04:58 PM
Send Dspoeth a PM in the upper right corner...

[This message has been edited by Vintage-Nut (edited 01-28-2025).]