Would you mind a sponsored banner? (Page 1/23)
Cliff Pennock APR 11, 07:16 AM
I have tried to postpone it as long as possible but I'm afraid the time has come to seriously consider putting up a banner. The reason is that the forum is generating so much bandwidth that my ISP is no longer willing to cut me a special deal. I have been able to pay for the forum out of my own pocket up until now, but the new monthly bill simply is going to be too high for me to carry.

I'll be honest about it. The forum alone is going to cost about $1000 per month.

I have three options:

  • Shut down the forum. Ok, this really isn't an option but if I can't generate the funds to keep the forum up and running, I simply have no other choice...
  • Putting up sponsered banners. I hate banners, but since I'm just about the only forum on the net that still hasn't got any banners, it would be the best option.
  • Accepting donations. I don't like that option much, I'll explain why later.

One thing I will not even consider is membership-fees. So please, don't bring that up.

Ok, let me try to explain why I don't like the idea of donations. First of all, people seem to have a nasty habit of thinking that once they have made a donation, they have the right to be on this forum, or they have the right to post/do anything they want ("I've payed for it, haven't I"). So if I would accept donations, it would be totally anonymous. If you make a donation, it will not make you a special member or something.

Anyway, my original question stands: would you mind sponsored banners?

tesmith66 APR 11, 07:24 AM
ONLY if there are no popups, no casino ads, no X10 camera ads, and NO porno ads.

Oh yeah, and none of those "Shock the monkey" or "You're a winner!!" ads, either.

How about marketing some PFF merchandise like keychains, t-shirts, hats, stickers, etc.?

maryjane APR 11, 07:28 AM
For the priviledge of being a member here, I'd put up with just about anything imaginable. A banner or several wouldn't bother me a bit.
Cliff Pennock APR 11, 07:31 AM
I should have been more clearer on the type of banners I was thinking about.

There will never be any popup ads. I'd rather shut down the forum than to ever allow a popup ad on the forum.

The banners will be Fiero-related. Anything other than that simply doesn't work. So it will not be those annoying banners you see on other sites, and most certainly no porn, no x10 camera, no "you are today's winner".

The banners will be non-intrusive. So non of those annyoing flashing banners.

FastPlastic APR 11, 07:32 AM
Cliff, whatever you have to do to keep the forum going is fine by me. I would prefer it to be unobtrusive advertising without pop-ups, but if that is what I have to deal with to be able to come here, I will.
Sage APR 11, 07:33 AM

Originally posted by Cliff Pennock:

Anyway, my original question stands: would you mind sponsored banners?


Have a good one!

Phil APR 11, 07:37 AM
Go for the banners
sarabear APR 11, 07:39 AM
The donations idea is a good one....personally, I couldn't afford to give any money...but im sure some of the people on the forum would be more than willing to help if it came down to it. But the banner is an okay idea too. Like everyone else said....just none of those pop ups, or 'shock the monkey' thingys and its all good
Ferrari Fan APR 11, 07:41 AM
I don't mind at all what you decide Cliff, I guess you have heard it about 4000 times now, but I think it is the best forum on the internet, and I would love to see it stay alive, so like I said, what ever you decide I am 100% behind you.
hugh APR 11, 07:42 AM
Cliff,It is not a matter of what we want!You pay the bills and have the right to do as you please.You are by far the most open minded and reasonable person it has been my pleasure to know.Whatever you do will be fine with me.
Now for a suggestion.
Charge a yearly subscription fee(nonrefundable)for anyone who wants to join the forum,give them a free trial period of one month.Have a rating system for anyone in jeopardy of losing their membership.Give the members one month(or less,like one week)to vote positive or negative on banning.If that member receives a negative vote exceeding a certain number they would be banned.Anyone who you determine is questionable would be subject to a review by their peers.That determination would then be enforced by you.If there was an immediate need for banning that would be your decision.

I just reread your opening post about no fees,but since I have already expressed my thoughts,I may as well stick by them.

[This message has been edited by hugh (edited 04-11-2002).]