randye APR 26, 10:20 PM


2022 is shaping up to be an electoral disaster for the Left.

As a reminder, the Demorats US House majority is presently a scant 6 seats.

The US Senate is 50/50

[This message has been edited by randye (edited 04-26-2021).]

maryjane APR 27, 10:08 AM
Not good news for everyone........

What U-Haul charges to rent a truck to move to another state is one real-time indication of the imbalance of people migrating. Because an empty truck doesn’t drive itself back to California, the DIY moving company must pay people to reposition its fleet. As a result, renting a 26-foot truck from Austin to Silicon Valley will set you back $1,084 – but moving from the once-Golden State to the Lone Star State will cost the new Texan $5,896, more than five times as much—the highest that ratio has been in at least a decade.


But there may be a silver lining for California; the Biden administration’s plans to push ahead with expensive energy regulations and higher taxes will mean that moving to Texas or Florida won’t be as attractive, since Biden and Harris aim to use executive orders and regulation to impose California’s self-inflicted misery nationwide.

[This message has been edited by maryjane (edited 04-27-2021).]

LitebulbwithaFiero APR 27, 11:09 AM
Don't be selfish MaryJane...

[This message has been edited by LitebulbwithaFiero (edited 04-27-2021).]

sourmash APR 27, 11:38 AM
Won't they just flood CA with illegals and make them citizens, gaining back the seat?
cliffw APR 27, 11:47 AM

Originally posted by sourmash:
Won't they just flood CA with illegals and make them citizens, gaining back the seat?

No. Too early in the morning for you ? Kalifornia is already blue. Kalifornia bitched about President Trump threatening to send all illegals to Kalifornia's sanctionary cities. The plan is to turn other States blue.
maryjane APR 27, 12:26 PM

Originally posted by sourmash:

Won't they just flood CA with illegals and make them citizens, gaining back the seat?

That is a distinct possibility.
California's newly arriving illegals, unlike southern states' illegals, tend to stay in Calif and not move farther East or North.

[This message has been edited by maryjane (edited 04-27-2021).]

williegoat APR 27, 01:18 PM

Originally posted by LitebulbwithaFiero:

Don't be selfish MaryJane...

williegoat APR 27, 01:26 PM
OH and WV which both went red in 2020 each lost a seat. CO and OR, both a nauseating shade of blue gained a seat each.

This is the first time in my lifetime that AZ did not gain a seat.
blackrams APR 27, 04:33 PM
Did a bit of research on how this is supposed to work, didn't find much but, it appears that each of the involved states will have to redraw districts prior to the next election and then it'll be an interesting primary to see which Rep gets the job(s). Someone in CA and the other losing states will be out of a job. This is a good thing (I'm thinking).

The gaining states will also be redistricting to add those Reps. Interesting times we're living in.

I have no doubt the Dems will be doing everything they can, both legal and maybe not so legal to get all those new non-citizens Illegal aliens registered to vote.

IMSA GT APR 27, 05:18 PM
With that moron Gavin Newsom officially headed for the recall election and now this news, I couldn't be happier. SLOWLY cleaning the cesspool. We just need to keep it from stinking up again.