Russia: the USA preparing false flag chemical attack in Ukraine. (Page 1/5)
sourmash DEC 21, 09:22 AM
The puppet state known as the USA seeks to expand NATO all the way to the border of Russia, a clear provocation and violation of previous agreements with Russia not to expand that far.
A false flag is the typical rise to achieve such

21 Dec, 2021 11:08 / Updated 1 hour ago
American mercenaries preparing ‘chemical weapon’ incident in east Ukraine, Russia claims

US private military companies (PMCs) are preparing a provocation using chemical weapons in troubled and tense eastern Ukraine, Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu claimed on Tuesday.
Moscow believes there are more than 120 employees of American PMCs operating in the region, where they are working with Ukrainian special forces.

US can’t be trusted to honor its promises – PutinUS can’t be trusted to honor its promises – Putin
Containers with “unidentified chemical components” have been delivered to the cities of Avdeevka and Krasny Liman in Donbass in order to stage provocations, Shoigu said, at Tuesday’s meeting of the Defense Ministry board, in Moscow, attended by President Vladimir Putin.

The minister, who was sitting alongside Putin and Russia's top General Valery Gerasimov, provided no further details or evidence of the false-flag chemical attacks that had purportedly been planned.

Tensions have been mounting in eastern Ukraine since last month, when several Western media outlets reported that Russia had been amassing troops near the border and claimed that Moscow was planning a large-scale military invasion of the country.

The US and its allies have promised more sanctions against Russia if such a scenario is realized, but the Kremlin has repeatedly denied accusations that it is masterminding any attack, calling them groundless attempts to instill “hysteria.”

Instead, Moscow has blamed the West for encouraging Kiev to use force against the self-proclaimed Republics of Donetsk and Lugansk by supplying weapons to the Ukrainian government and intensifying the NATO buildup in Eastern Europe.
rinselberg DEC 21, 09:56 AM
Long Live RussiaToday !

[This message has been edited by rinselberg (edited 12-21-2021).]

2.5 DEC 21, 11:57 AM
So, if Russia doesnt attack, or want to attack, what will all this stuff cause to happen that Russia doesn't like?
rinselberg DEC 21, 12:14 PM

Originally posted by 2.5:
So, if Russia doesnt attack, or want to attack, what will all this stuff cause to happen that Russia doesn't like?

Nations prospering economically and with open societies granting at least a modicum of Western-style personal and especially political freedoms, directly across from Russia's borders. Nations that were part of the former U.S.S.R. That's the boogeyman of Ukraine moving closer to becoming part of NATO, in Putin's eyes. The heightened contrast that would create with life in Putin's Russia.

I was just looking at this earlier today:

"How the Kremlin Is Militarizing Russian Society"

With a “youth army,” a cathedral honoring the military and state media promoting patriotism, the government is preparing Russians for the possibility of a fight.

Here's a slice from the middle:

Some analysts fear that the escalating rhetoric is laying the foundation for what Russia would cast as a defensive intervention to protect its security and Russian speakers in Ukraine. Yevgeny Popov, a newly elected member of Parliament and a host of a popular political show on state TV, said in an interview that his ratings were up in recent weeks — “the tension is rising,” he said.

“I think that most people in Russia would only be in favor if we defended Russian people who live in these territories,” Mr. Popov said, referring to the separatist territories in Ukraine where hundreds of thousands have received Russian citizenship.

The effectiveness of the state’s militarized messaging is up for debate. Polls show that young people have a more positive view of the West than older Russians, and the pro-Kremlin sentiment prompted by the Crimea annexation appears to have dissipated amid economic stagnation.

But the Kremlin is doubling down. Its drive to increase “patriotic education” includes funding for groups like Vympel. The “military patriotic” organization has some 100 chapters around the country, and it organized the recent skills competition in the city of Vladimir that ended on Thursday.

Veronika Osipova, 17, from the city of Rostov-on-Don near Ukraine’s border, won the award for best female student. For years, she played the harp, graduating with honors from an elite music school. But in 2015, she started learning how to shoot a machine gun and throw grenades. She resolved to join the Russian military to protect the country against its enemies.

The article includes a photo gallery that illustrates the text.

Anton Troianovski, Ivan Nechepurenko and Valerie Hopkins for the New York Times; December 21, 2021.

[This message has been edited by rinselberg (edited 12-21-2021).]

sourmash DEC 21, 12:53 PM
No! Russia is more free than America in many ways.

NATO is instigating. It wants the potential for nuclear arms on the border of Russia, for the intimidation factor. Of course Russia doesnt want that.

The agreement NATO made with Russia is to not expand Eastward toward Russia. Now NATO and the puppet state, USA, wants to violate that agreement by claiming Russia is doing what NATO is doing. It's just more of the globalist union lying to start war, this time with Russia and China.
sourmash DEC 21, 01:13 PM
Russians in Germany propose censoring Telegram countrywide. Make that EUwide.

Just blame Russia when the West stamps on freedom.

Germany’s minister of justice has spoken in favor of common European action against Telegram over the spread of extremist content on the instant-messaging service.
Speaking to German media, Marco Buschmann argued that a concerted EU-wide effort would “make a bigger impression” on Telegram, as opposed to “each country trying to do that on its own.” The minister, who was sworn in earlier this month, went on to say that it was in Telegram’s own best interest to have uninterrupted access to the European market now that the service has turned to ads in a bid to monetize the platform’s popularity.
cvxjet DEC 21, 06:58 PM

Originally posted by sourmash:

No! Russia is more free than America in many ways.

NATO is instigating..

The new GOP (Group of Putineers) shows just how successful Putin has been in brainwashing the "Right" to HATE-HATE-HATE America and LOVE Russia.....In Russia, the good totalitarian leader can have anyone who disagrees with him executed.....You can murder a queer and it's A-OK (Or kill someone and then CLAIM he was queer) and of course, you can only get news that is Putin-certified....Just like OANN-Russia and Fox-Russia.....

Vlad stated on numerous occasions that he would reassemble the USSR- and would destroy any obstacles...meaning the US and NATO...And he WILL be successful (With YOUR help!)

Your next flag;

[This message has been edited by cvxjet (edited 12-21-2021).]

sourmash DEC 21, 07:10 PM
As usual you're just posting make believe, but this time you're touting the exact same Republican brainwashing points and supporting cause to start a war.

Russia has a law prohibiting foreign homosexuals from adoptiing Russian children. I guess that's what troubles you. There are no sanctioned persecutions of homosexuals there.

The war that the Dem puppets along with GOP puppets are told to promote will yield a loss for the USA. That's the pretext for resetting the economy and vacating God given rights. In the wake of economic collapse there will be foreign billionaires buying up all assets and making us near slaves.

[This message has been edited by sourmash (edited 12-21-2021).]

cvxjet DEC 21, 08:59 PM
Maybe you can get your hero Putin to bomb a number of US cities....THAT would make you really happy...."right"...?
sourmash DEC 22, 09:15 AM
The USA is the country that arbitrarily bombs others. Russia is a White nation. That's a main reason your puppetmasters tell you to hate them.

A report came out this weekend of how the USA had accidentally killed perhaps thousands of innocents in "surgical" attacks by drones. None of the major sources covered the release if info. No reprimands performed.