Clinton campaign paid to 'infiltrate' Trump Tower and White House servers (Page 1/2)
randye FEB 12, 09:00 PM
Leftists don't want to talk about the Durham investigation which continues to move forward and reveal more and more criminal activities.

"Lawyers for the Clinton campaign paid a technology company to "infiltrate" servers belonging to Trump Tower, and later the White House, in order to establish an "inference" and "narrative" to bring to government agencies linking Donald Trump to Russia, a filing from Special Counsel John Durham says."

Durham added that data collected by Tech Executive-1 also found that lookups began as early as 2014, during the Obama administration...

"Durham "is authorized to investigate whether any federal official, employee, or any other person or entity violated the law in connection with the intelligence, counter-intelligence, or law-enforcement activities directed at the 2016 presidential campaigns, individuals associated with those campaigns, and individuals associated with the administration of President Donald J. Trump, including but not limited to Crossfire Hurricane and the investigation of Special Counsel Robert S. Mueller, III."

Under U.S. code, the special counsel would produce a "confidential report" and is ordered to "submit to the Attorney General a final report, and such interim reports as he deems appropriate in a form that will permit public dissemination."


"The truth always eventually comes out and it is NEVER what the Leftist media originally told you."

[This message has been edited by randye (edited 02-12-2022).]

Valkrie9 FEB 13, 05:56 AM
That mean means she knew, Watergate !!
Impeach Hillary Shrillary !
Call the press !

Valkrie9 FEB 13, 06:28 AM

185 / 184

blackrams FEB 13, 06:38 AM
If this allegation is proven true, someone (probably many) need to be in jail.

I remember crowds at Trump rallies shouting, "Lock Her Up".

I still believe innocent until proven guilty but, if guilt is proven, lock them up for a very long time.

sourmash FEB 13, 08:13 AM
Taking classified data off of government servers and moving it to her private unsecured server at home where it was ultimately hacked is a felony, even if done by negligence.

Remember Comey saying the FBI still wasn't going to prosecute even though he knows it happened? Org crime runs DC.
slicknick FEB 13, 09:13 AM

Originally posted by sourmash:

Taking classified data off of government servers and moving it to her private unsecured server at home where it was ultimately hacked is a felony, even if done by negligence.

Remember Comey saying the FBI still wasn't going to prosecute even though he knows it happened? Org crime runs DC.

So is destroying presidential records and offloading them to your estate in Florida. Lock 'em all up, rules are the only way to get back to sanity.
sourmash FEB 13, 10:45 AM
Clinton did that too? This is a thread about Clinton. She illegally had unauthorized security clearance Anthony Weiner place classified Intel on an unsecured home server that was 'hacked' while she was collecting money for the Clinton Foundation.

Classified Intel theft is spying. Hillary was spying.
We know she had her cell phones wiped of data and deleted tens of thousands of emails.
That data is still available in mandatory backups according to a source I heard. Doesn't matter, so far. She's protected by the highest level of org crime. Did she attain that protection when she collected the 900 FBI files when Bill was elected. Remember how she ignored the ruling of returning them? Then later they were found in the office of her employee who didn't have security clearance to have them.

There won't be any sanity and rules returning. The USA is controlled by organized crime.
After we're in ashes there'll be an opportunity for sanity, but is it just as likely that we'll be further preyed upon?

[This message has been edited by sourmash (edited 02-13-2022).]

82-T/A [At Work] FEB 13, 01:27 PM
The thing that really annoys me is, during the Mueller special council, it was wall to wall news every waking minute. The REASON why Trump's polling was so low in his first year, and consequently... through most of his presidency, is literally because there was this pervasive believe that Russia colluded with Republicans, and Trump, and that he won illegitimately. In the end, Mueller found nothing...absolutely nothing. They indicted some Russians from the Internet Research Agency in St. Petersburg, which was more show than anything else. The United States, and every country on this planet conducts propaganda attacks on each-other during elections. So again, more show than anything.

Here we are... we have another special council... run by John Durham, which is the exact same thing, of the same importance, and the same level of authority... literally, LITERALLY the equivalent to the Mueller special council, and NO ONE says anything. It barely is mentioned on the news. More and more we find out... as always, everything the Democrats claimed the Republicans are doing, we literally find out the Democrats are actually guilty of.

I love you Rinse, RayB, Neptune, etc. I mean that... Rinse you hold a special place in my heart because you live in Sunnyvale, the home of Atari. But there is nothing you can say or do that will change the fact that there's massive fraud here, ACTUAL hypocrisy (not like the trucker blockade).
blackrams FEB 13, 02:04 PM
My understanding is that Trumps first closed-door meeting with the "Press" (prior to taking office but post-election) didn't exactly set a great tone for future reporting by that same press if all accounts are accurate.


[This message has been edited by blackrams (edited 02-13-2022).]

Valkrie9 FEB 13, 02:53 PM

Special Counsel Robert S. Mueller III
Submissions rejected by the Court, misspelled the applicant's name, not, ' your now wut i meen ' !