JFK Assassination - more than one shooter? (Page 1/7)
TheDigitalAlchemist SEP 10, 11:28 PM

Kinda surprised no one posted this ... A Secret Service agent who was with JFK on day of his assassination breaks silence with claim that blows up the 'magic bullet' theory and suggests there WAS more than one shooter.

He heard more than one shot. Found ONE of the bullets...


cvxjet SEP 10, 11:50 PM
The main thing that makes me think there was a second shooter is that the Warren Commision made their report "Secret".....Why?

Also, Oswald was assassinated within 2 days.....very suspicious...
Patrick SEP 11, 01:14 AM

Originally posted by TheDigitalAlchemist:

...and suggests there WAS more than one shooter.

It's always been proposed (by some) that there was more than just Oswald involved in the shooting.

I can still remember the day it happened. Yes, I'm that old.
Cliff Pennock SEP 11, 05:19 AM
Wasn't there a guy a few years back who actually claimed to be the second shooter? Whatever happened to him?
maryjane SEP 11, 09:25 AM
The Grassy Knoll....
MarkS SEP 11, 10:36 AM

Originally posted by Patrick:

It's always been proposed (by some) that there was more than just Oswald involved in the shooting.

I can still remember the day it happened. Yes, I'm that old.

Me too. Remember my mom crying watching the TV while doing the ironing. Yes, a stay at home mom, very common in those days...I'm also that old.
82-T/A [At Work] SEP 11, 11:21 AM
I've always wondered why it was classified.

Classification is never done to "protect against embarrassment," but to protect sources and methods... and also largely unmentioned, to protect anonymity... and that is, acknowledging that we know something, even if that thing is obvious.

Personally, I'm of the impression ... to use a term the Millennials use a lot today, the law of Occam's Razor, basically suggests it is the simplest answer. And for me, that's Oswald who did it alone.

But I certainly accept the possibility that there could have been a second shooter. On the classified stuff, there is absolutely nothing I can think of that... 60+ years later, there is literally anything from that time period that still needs to be classified. The only thing possibly are nuclear secrets / Atomic Energy... which I can't imagine have anything to do with Oswald. Trump basically declassified almost everything... but STILL agreed to not declassify a couple of things. While classification is not meant to protect against embarrassment, I wonder if perhaps that's exactly what happened...
fredtoast SEP 11, 11:51 AM
I am generally skeptical about conspiracy theories, but I also know that some of them are true.

There are some sketchy questions about the Kennedy assassination, but at this point the truth will never be known. Everyone involved would be dead by know.
williegoat SEP 11, 11:58 AM
There has been a "second gunman" theory as far back as I can remember, which is supported by audio from police motorcycle radios. It could be, but I don't think that is the most important part.

I believed the official story for many years, but as I get older and hear more details, I can't help but suspect that it was a bigger, more sinister plan. I would not be in the least bit surprised to find out that LBJ had a hand in the plan.

I have said before, that LBJ planted the seeds and Obama reaped the harvest. Yeah, there were some before LBJ and after Obama, but they were just stage hands and caretakers.

Everyone knows the girl on the left, but how many can identify the one on the right?
Don't lie. There are probably two or three on here who know why she is important.
Cliff Pennock SEP 11, 12:53 PM

Originally posted by williegoat:

Everyone knows the girl on the left, but how many can identify the one on the right?

It took me a while to even notice there was someone on the right... 😬

Anyways, I just spent 30 minutes arguing with ChatGPT. I was asking him which - based on the information he was trained on - was more likely; a single gunman or multiple gunmen. He would not give me an answer and kept repeating that he was specifically programmed to not give (speculative) answers on topics which are so highly controversial. It took me quite a bit of convincing from my end to finally have him give me an answer. The result: 30% lone gunman, 70% multiple gunmen.

Then again, this is from the same AI who said Pontiac Fieros use snap on couplings on their transmission lines.