She's available again! (part 2) (Page 2/7)
Boondawg AUG 29, 10:15 PM

Originally posted by maryjane:

If this is her in the vid, I can't say she does much for me either, but then she never did.

How do you feel about Cowgirl Seahorse.....Eats like a cow and drinks like a fish!

Cheever3000 DEC 09, 03:32 PM
Kate Hudson is available again...

maryjane DEC 09, 07:26 PM
I'm would recognize that look anywhere--and on any female..seen it lots of times.

That's her "some do-some don't-some will-some won't-I might...........but not with you" look.
Nurb432 DEC 09, 07:34 PM

Originally posted by Patrick:

Geez, John's changed as well.

He is still a prick.
Cheever3000 MAR 05, 03:11 PM
Susan Sarandon is available again...

maryjane MAR 05, 03:42 PM
Not surprised Chuck---who could put up with her?
I wouldn't be able to look at her and not see Nancy Pelosi.
spark1 MAR 05, 04:29 PM
Cheever3000 AUG 03, 09:19 PM
Did someone say he loves Gwen Stefani? Well... now's yer chance!

And oh-mi-gosh, Reba is available!!!

[This message has been edited by Cheever3000 (edited 08-03-2015).]

Khw AUG 03, 09:34 PM

Originally posted by Cheever3000:

Did someone say he loves Gwen Stefani? Well... now's yer chance!

She is a hotty!

From what my wife told me, Jennifer Garner is available also...
blackrams AUG 03, 09:36 PM

Originally posted by 82-T/A [At Work]:

How is it that this girl looks so damned old? It makes me feel old!

I was just watching Cherry 2000 (a crappy old 80s movie) and she was like... maybe 20 there.

Oooh... 2014-1985 = 29 and then + 20 something... so she's like 50 something... geeze, the time has not been kind to her.

Grab your "old" high school year book, find yourself and then look in a mirror. We've all aged some, some more than others.


Isn't it strange that after a bombing, everyone blames the bomber, his upbringing, his environment, his culture, his mental state but … after a shooting, the problem is the gun?

My Uncle Frank was a staunch Conservative and voted straight Republican until the day he died in Chicago. Since then he has voted Democrat. Shrug