Hey what we gonna do? We're gonna go out there and ki.. ki.. kill U.S. Senators . . . (Page 2/3)
olejoedad APR 23, 01:05 AM
Good analogy.

Plan A?

He makes plans for his posts?

(hey rinse, have you thought about getting a hloibfbey?)

[This message has been edited by olejoedad (edited 04-23-2021).]

rinselberg APR 23, 03:18 AM
Here's the kind of Brendan Hunt news that you've been clamoring for. "A fly on the courtroom wall . . . riveting." How's this for openers?

BROOKLYN (CN) — Sounds of rioters shouting and clashing during the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol echoed through a Brooklyn federal courtroom Thursday, as prosecutors played videos published by a Queens man accused of threatening to murder United States officials.

Following the Capitol riots, Brendan Hunt, 37, posted a video online titled “Kill Your Senators,” which calls for rioters to “go back to the U.S. Capitol … and this time we have to show up with our guns.” In a Facebook post the previous month, Hunt called for the “public execution” of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

Hunt’s attorneys say he made a mistake with his posting but did not commit a crime.

Proceedings — the first federal trial to deal with the fallout from the insurrection that injured dozens and left five people dead — are underway in a socially distanced courthouse that remains clearly marked by the Covid-19 pandemic. FBI witnesses spoke on Thursday from behind a plexiglass screen, wearing face shields. At one point, U.S. District Judge Pamela K. Chen asked Hunt to briefly lower his face mask so that a special agent could properly identify him. . . .

That's not quite the half of it. You know the drill by now.

"Capitol Riot Videos, Anti-Semitic Texts Raised in Brendan Hunt Trial"
Nina Pullano for Courthouse News Service; April 22, 2021.

A reminder:

Brendan Hunt did not participate in the riot and invasion of the Capitol [on January 6.]

He wasn't at or near the Capitol Building on January 6.

NBC New York.

[This message has been edited by rinselberg (edited 04-23-2021).]

olejoedad APR 23, 09:32 AM
I suspect the number of people that have similar feelings about the fate of certain government officials would be surprising, and perhaps chilling, if known.

I certainly wouldn't watch the news coverage.
maryjane APR 23, 11:31 AM

Originally posted by olejoedad:

I suspect the number of people that have similar feelings about the fate of certain government officials would be surprising, and perhaps chilling, if known.

I certainly wouldn't watch the news coverage.

Past and present...

There have been a surprising # that actually acted on their feelings.


If one includes law enforcement members attacked or killed, the list is much much longer.

rinselberg APR 23, 05:58 PM

Originally posted by randye:

BUT YOU DIDN'T...........which completely validates my earlier point.

You got the very same THRILL out of posting that pointless, puerile, pile of crap here as an adolescent does setting fire to a paper bag full of dog poop on a doorstep, ringing the doorbell and running away

What part of this is (was) he unable to read and understand?

Plan "A" was to post the New York Times report, of considerably higher quality, but I went with a report from the New York Daily News because, unlike the New York Times report, it's not protected by a subscriber paywal" and it provides at least the bare facts of the story--that this man is now on trial because of his remarks on social media.

I still post links to articles that are behind subscriber paywalls, but at the same time, I like to go with freely accessible online material whenever that suits my purpose.

It's very much the exception for me to quote a "randye" message and respond in any directly conversational way. Even here, I go out of my way to refer to refer to him only in the third person, to signify my extraordinary distaste for his visibility and for his prior remarks in this thread.

When I think of how to describe "randye" I think of a sentence that I just encountered the other day, about former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo--well, here:

He’s like a heat-seeking missile for [kissing] Trump’s ass.

"Mike Pompeo, the Secretary of Trump"
Susan B. Glasser for the New Yorker; August 19, 2019.

If randye responds to this message--and he seldom passes up a chance to "return fire"--I expect he would say that he's not "pro-Trump" (particularly) but that he's solidly and uncompromisingly "conservative." Or with one of his tiresome and asinine (and asininely predictable) screeds about "Liberals" or "neo-Marxists" (etc.) But now that I've said this, I expect he will at least rack his brain to see if he could say something else instead. Maybe rack his brain and not find anything else and just say exactly what I've just predicted for him.

I will just reiterate, for anyone else who might be looking at these messages:

Within the [New York] Daily News report, I did not attach any particular significance to the remarks about the juror selection process, or about the number of (potential) jurors that expressed their strong dislike for and disapproval of President Trump.

I am somewhat familiar (for a layman, not a lawyer) with the process of screening potential jurors or voir dire. It's typical of forum member randye's asinine voice here that he would believe (or pretend to believe) otherwise, which I think is something that can be read from, or read from between the lines of the first of his three prior messages in this thread.

Originally posted by randye:
You [rinselberg] got the very same THRILL out of posting that pointless, puerile, pile of crap here as an adolescent does setting fire to a paper bag full of dog poop on a doorstep, ringing the doorbell and running away.

If that were really at the top of my mind in my messaging here--to post "crap" that is negative about Trump, or anything that goes against forum member randye's less than perfectly sane conceptualizations of "conservatism"--then I would be seriously underperforming. I could easily post up a container ship's load more of such "crap" if I wanted to, or if I actually got the kind of thrill from it that forum member randye imagines, or wants to pretend that he imagines, or just gets his rocks off by saying it here.

Forum member randye is so not here for any remotely civil kind of conversation involving me that it's pure Captain Obvious on my part to be saying it.

It would be amazing for me to become aware on some future day that he has "crafted" his last asinine message on this forum. I don't expect it. I don't care how it happens. If he were to have a rethink about how he behaves here, and change to some consistently civil discourse, that would be great. If he were simply to become unable to message here, for whatever reason--all the same to me.

But I'm not holding my breath or even keeping my fingers crossed. I'd sooner buy a California State Lottery ticket than express any positive expectations about forum member randye--and I never buy lottery tickets unless it's a small-time charity kind of thing.

I close with my Signature. I hope that some will be familiar with its backstory.

Viva la revolución del 15 de agosto

[This message has been edited by rinselberg (edited 04-23-2021).]

randye APR 23, 10:05 PM

Originally posted by rinselberg:

.....to signify my extraordinary distaste for his visibility...

When I think of how to describe "randye" ...

It's typical of forum member randye's asinine voice here....

...randye's less than perfectly sane conceptualizations...
...his tiresome and asinine (and asininely predictable) screeds...

It would be amazing for me to become aware on some future day that he has "crafted" his last asinine message on this forum

Originally posted by rinselberg:

I'm not usually so blunt, but I guess this is kind of me filling in for the recently banned 'dawg, (Boondawg)

Keep it up and you'll probably be joining him.

[This message has been edited by randye (edited 04-24-2021).]

rinselberg APR 26, 03:05 PM

Talk about a "one-eighty."

A Queens Occupy Wall Street activist who later became a Trump fanatic made online threats to murder House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Sen. Chuck Schumer and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, authorities said Tuesday.

Brendan Hunt, who works for New York State’s Office of Court Administration and is the son of a retired Family Court judge, was charged Tuesday with making the threats against elected officials over what he falsely claims was a stolen presidential election.

He was taken into custody after FBI agents raided his home on Gates Ave. in Ridgewood early Tuesday. . . .

Old news and new news. The part that's new to me is that this Brendan Hunt is being described as an "Occupy Wall Street" activist, before becoming a pro-Trump "fanatic."

"Occupy Wall Street activist turned Queens Trump supporter threatened to kill prominent Dems: feds"
Morgan Chittum, Noah Goldberg, Graham Rayman, Thomas Tracy and Chelsia Rose Marcus for the New York Daily News; January 19, 2021.

[This message has been edited by rinselberg (edited 04-26-2021).]

rinselberg MAY 03, 05:52 PM
"Queens Man Convicted of Threatening to Murder Members of Congress"

Following a one-week trial before United States District Judge Pamela K. Chen, a federal jury in Brooklyn convicted Brendan Hunt, also known as “X-Ray Ultra,” of threatening to assault and murder members of the United States Congress to impede, interfere and intimidate with those members and to retaliate against them on account of their performance of their official duties. When sentenced on June 22, 2021, Hunt faces up to 10 years in prison. . . .

Homeland Security Today; May 3, 2021.
williegoat MAY 03, 06:26 PM

Originally posted by rinselberg:

"Queens Man Convicted of Threatening to Murder Members of Congress"

Frank had him pegged. Look up "The Voice of Cheese". (NSFW)

rinselberg MAY 03, 07:38 PM
Well, I looked it up. That's why first and foremost, I prefer (and have always preferred) instrumental jazz. Because nobody says anything.