Back by popular demand with an ALL-STAR cast . . . Trump impeachment #1 (Page 2/5)
olejoedad APR 29, 05:17 PM
Where do you come up with this crap?


If you think this, who is telling you this?

This is so nonsensical that it fits in perfectly with what's going on with this decade.

williegoat APR 29, 05:21 PM
rinselberg APR 29, 09:06 PM

Originally posted by Hudini:
And this is where your BS falls on it's face

"Exclusive: Microsoft believes Russians that hacked Clinton [emails] targeted Biden campaign firm - sources"
Joel Schectman, Raphael Satter, Christopher Bing, and Joseph Menn for Reuters; September 9, 2020. (4 minute read.)

"NYT: Firing of U.S. Ambassador Is At The Center Of The Giuliani Investigation | The ReidOut | MSNBC"
queue up the U.S. Intelligence Community at the 3:20 mark

Sounds like Hudini is talking "Deep State Conspiracy" against DJT.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. Your "Deep State Conspiracy" wears A-A-ARMY boots! RUSSIAN ARMY boots!

"The pain for gain falls mostly on Ukraine"
Hudini APR 29, 09:28 PM
How 'Crossfire Hurricane' blew it: Russia collusion hoax was built on thin air


Or like with certain members here, hot air.
cvxjet APR 29, 09:58 PM
You guys all LOVE Russia and your hero Putin- and all have it on good authority that there was no collusion or interference by Russia- from the Russia news sources, Faux, OANNY and possibly you all watch TASS also.

All of my conservative friends starting saying really stupid crap back a decade ago; "Obama is a foreign-born Mussy who will destroy America!!!" and "All democraps are devil-worshipping commies bent on destroying their own country!!!" and "Russia is a great country- the only Christian country!!!" and of course "Putin is a great leader!!!"....Then in 2015, they all went nuts over the "Jade Helm Invasion" which none of you can (NOW) reNember ("Right").....And of course in 2016 they all fell in love with the man-size baby with the orange hair; "He is so great- I think he is the greatest man I have ever heard of!"

I would have believed that good conservatives would never "Swoon" over anyone- let alone a cry-baby crook like trump....But you all roll on the floor any time he ranted at how people were not patting him on the back......Just flabbergasting!
Hudini APR 29, 10:00 PM
I think your aluminum foil may have slipped a bit.
sourmash APR 29, 10:33 PM
Putin banned Canadians and Americans who aren't heterosexual from adopting Russian children. The USA is promoting full non-hetero activity, Including child adoption.

You chose your side, cvxjet. We have noted your choice.
rinselberg APR 29, 11:18 PM
"Makes all the difference. What's the fastest way to pick up Russian language skills?"
cvxjet APR 29, 11:22 PM
I understand- Putin does one thing you agree with and you are ready to jump on his train to wreck the United States.............You are definitely "good" "Christians" but you don't care a wit about what Putin has done to our great nation.......Start learning Russian!

I care about this country and do not care about what religious fanatics want to do- in fact, I am completely against your wanting a religious theocracy...America was built on FREEDOM...including RELIGIOUS trying to ram your beliefs down everyone's throats is very much ANTI-American.
randye APR 30, 12:54 AM

Originally posted by cvxjet:

I understand-.....


You've made it abundantly clear that you do not understand a lot of things.

Another thing that you have made clear is that for all of your fake bleating about being a "conservative", you spew one hell of a lot of LEFTIST propaganda on this forum and spend a LOT of time attacking conservatives.

The problem with you Leftists that try to pretend to be conservatives is that you don't understand the ideology and, more importantly, since you don't understand the ideology you can't help giving yourselves away with the nonsense you imposters spew.

"RUSSIA, TRUMP, RUSSIA, TRUMP, RUSSIA, TRUMP!!! You couldn't possibly be any more obvious.

I'm sure you think you're clever........You're not.

[This message has been edited by randye (edited 04-30-2021).]