Ohio's COVID vaccine lottery, Win a Million Bucks (Page 2/2)
rinselberg MAY 18, 03:38 AM

Originally posted by Hudini:
You have got to stop reading the scare mongering media. How on earth do you think you wouldn't have the same or better immunity from recovering from the actual virus? You think vaccines have some magical property? Do you understand how vaccines work?

That's Hudini, "beating me about the head and shoulders" for one of my previous remarks here.

This is what I had in mind when I made that remark:

"Immune Response From mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines Is More Robust Than Natural Infection"

Antibody levels induced by mRNA COVID-19 vaccines are much higher than those induced by natural infection and confer cross-reactivity that could be effective against new variants, a new study from the University of California, Irvine, found.

Jonna Lorenz for ContagionLive; May 3, 2021.

I won't Read-o-Meter it, but it's not a long article. It's like a blog post. It's the layman's version of this:

"Substantial Differences in SARS-CoV-2 Antibody Responses Elicited by Natural Infection and mRNA Vaccination"
Rafael Assis et al, on the bioRxiv preprint server; April 15, 2021.

[This message has been edited by rinselberg (edited 05-18-2021).]

Hudini MAY 18, 04:31 AM
Sorry if I came across as angry. More like incredulous that a thinking person would let themselves be fooled by what is obviously being done in the media to generate clicks. That CNN technical editor caught by Project Veritas discussing how they purposefully tried to keep their audience in fear of Covid in order to generate eyeballs on them was just the truth finally coming to light.
rinselberg MAY 18, 10:36 AM

Originally posted by Hudini:
Sorry if I came across as angry. More like incredulous that a thinking person would let themselves be fooled by what is obviously being done in the media to generate clicks. That CNN technical editor caught by Project Veritas discussing how they purposefully tried to keep their audience in fear of Covid in order to generate eyeballs on them was just the truth finally coming to light.

That was Charlie Chester. The CNN technical editor. He was in a conversation on the online dating app Tinder with a woman who was part of a Project Veritas setup or 'undercover operation." Or so I am led to believe--not that I have drilled down on this in any big way. (I haven't.)

This has been a topic on the Quora discussion forum:

Like this:

Technical directors [like CNN's Charlie Chester] have no influence on the content of any broadcast. The right wing Project Veritas is taking advantage of the lack of knowledge of the average person about broadcasting.

Comment on Quora from someone who describes himself as "John Butler, M.S. Journalism & Print Media, Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism."

[This message has been edited by rinselberg (edited 05-18-2021).]

Hudini MAY 18, 06:56 PM
The fact he has no influence on the content is a red herring. He has direct insider information on what CNN was doing as a whole. It matters not what he himself is able to accomplish.
rinselberg MAY 19, 12:39 AM

Originally posted by Hudini:
The fact he has no influence on the content is a red herring. He has direct insider information on what CNN was doing as a whole. It matters not what he himself is able to accomplish.

Have you considered the possibility that CNN technical editor Charles Chester was more intent upon impressing a woman with his own importance and insider knowledge, than about telling the truth? The possibility that this was, from Charles Chester's perspective, a "How can I impress this woman and get to meet her and maybe get into her pants . . ." kind of conversation?

Considering the context and circumstances of the conversation, which I see described as a conversation between Charles Chester and a woman on the Tinder dating app. A woman posing as a journalist of some kind, but not revealing her association with Project Veritas.

Is there anything solid that supports the idea that Charles Chester had real insider information about the internal workings of CNN at its highest levels?

[This message has been edited by rinselberg (edited 05-19-2021).]

Hudini MAY 19, 06:14 AM
Oh I am absolutely making the assumption he was trying to impress her. But with the truth. He was gushing how they manipulated their coverage of Covid and Trump.

In case you have forgotten how the spy game works:

"Meet Fang Fang, the Chinese Spy Who Slept with US Politicians, Raised Money for Them, and Then Slipped Out of the Country"


[This message has been edited by Hudini (edited 05-19-2021).]