How to speak accurately about January 6. 'Civilian's Guide to INSURRECTION Legalese.' (Page 2/2)
randye JUN 16, 07:41 PM

Originally posted by rinselberg:

The "Don't start threads about other threads" admonition of the Posting Guidelines is about the kind of situation where a member (now banned) persisted in trying to revive the exact same argument after the forum's moderator had closed several previous threads that were all exactly about the same thing.

"Prove me wrong."

Proving you WRONG is a full time, yet extraordinarily easy, job.

Like a multitude of other things that have been covered in the past, you seem to need to be constantly reminded that YOU do not get to define or interpret things for everyone else on this forum, and that obviously includes Cliff Pennock's rules, in his own words.

Originally posted by rinselberg:

.....arguments about whether or not it is permissible for journalists and others outside of the legal profession to refer to the events of January 6 as an "insurrection."

Yeah, since you brought it up, this is also an opportune time to remind you again that YOU are not a journalist.

Additionally, not being in the legal profession didn't stop you from 4 long years of your witless bleating about "collusion", interrupted only briefly by your mindless hooting about "quid pro quo" .

It's not about "permissible".

It's about being appropriate, accurate and truthful. Concepts that you are demonstrably unfamiliar with.

[This message has been edited by randye (edited 06-17-2021).]

randye JUN 17, 12:14 AM
Speak this:

As of today, still NOT ONE PERSON has been charged with Insurrection or sedition as a result of the events of January 6, 2021