A bold taste of Trespass with a hint of Insurrection. Jan. 6 guy seeks House seat. (Page 2/2)
2.5 JUN 15, 03:01 PM

Originally posted by rinselberg:

This is my favorite January 6-related thread:

It's a sendup of the idea of deploying exacting legal terminology to characterize the events of January 6.

And yet, in one fell swoop, it also advances the story of the ongoing effort by investigators and prosecutors to hold January 6 wrongdoers to account with facts-based reportage.

It's an effort to memorialize January 6 in much the same way that Apocalypse Now memorialized the American involvement in Vietnam.

Posted with extra clarity for you sir, in response to your quoted post above:
Why the heck don't you : refute the claims in the thread I referenced (below), instead of starting a new one full of empty leftist bologna cherry picked manufactured bytes and reinterpreted headlines (with no meat in them) that seem to be trying to justify what the details of the aforementioned thread (https://www.fiero.nl/forum/Forum6/HTML/126412.html) refute?

[This message has been edited by 2.5 (edited 06-15-2021).]

2.5 JUN 15, 03:28 PM

Originally posted by maryjane:

I personally have no problem with multiple threads regarding the same subject as long as each is usually a bit different.

I'm pretty sure you agree.

I do agree.
rinselberg JUN 15, 04:39 PM
"Many threads, one message"

Originally posted by 2.5:
Posted with extra clarity for you sir, in response to your quoted post above:
Why the heck don't you : refute the claims in the thread I referenced (below), instead of starting a new one full of empty leftist bologna cherry picked manufactured bytes and reinterpreted headlines (with no meat in them) that seem to be trying to justify what the details of the aforementioned thread (https://www.fiero.nl/forum/Forum6/HTML/126412.html) refute?

Why don't you reserve some judgement about the events of January 6 until the various federal and state-level investigations of it are farther along?

Now maybe you are thinking "It's already been 5 months, going on 6 months, since January 6," but investigations of this size can run for an entire year or more before the last indictments are filed and the last courtroom trials are held.

I personally don't expect to see anyone indicted for Insurrection. That's a high bar to overcome, or a big ask (of a jury) for a prosecutor. The Conspiracy charges are certainly piling up--as evidenced by the various news reports that I have been putting on display here (across a few different threads.)

The reporters that I follow, both online and on MSNBC (TV) have referred to the events of January 6 with a veritable smorgasbord of descriptions: a conspiracy to overturn a presidential election; a riot; an assault or attack upon or an invasion of the Capitol Building. A siege, as in "They laid siege to the nation's capitol building."

These are not prosecutors, speaking in court case filings or courtroom trials, and it's not rational to subject their discourse to the exacting standards of the legal profession.

[This message has been edited by rinselberg (edited 06-16-2021).]

randye JUN 15, 06:51 PM

Originally posted by rinselberg:

It's an effort to memorialize January 6 in much the same way that Apocalypse Now memorialized the American involvement in Vietnam.


That's completely appropriate.....

.....because just like your LEFTIST "insurrection" FAIRY TALE, Apocalypse Now is also FICTION based on Joseph Conrad's 1899 novel "Heart of Darkness" and the fictional character "Colonel Kurtz" isn't an army colonel, he's a fictional ivory trader in the Congo and "Captain Willard" is actually Conrad's fictional character "Charles Marlow" who is retelling his fictional trip up the Congo River, NOT the Nung River in Cambodia.

It's no wonder you LEFTISTS have so much trouble with objective truth, history and reality.

Your profound ignorance of actual history is also why you likely found the idea that "Jan. 6 guy seeks House seat" such a big deal because you have no clue that actual Demorat insurrectionists served in Congress in both the House and Senate in post civil war years.

You keep right on "memorializing" and we'll keep on laughing at you.

By the way, neither you or your fellow LEFTIST chuckleheads that you watch on MSLSD know what the meaning of a "siege" is and your personal history of your "legal prognostications" is as notoriously WRONG as your miserable grasp of history.

[This message has been edited by randye (edited 06-18-2021).]

2.5 JUN 17, 11:45 AM

Originally posted by rinselberg:

Why don't you reserve some judgement about the events of January 6 until the various federal and state-level investigations of it are farther along?

I am reserving some, but not all. But I won't lie about it, or spread lies.

Originally posted by rinselberg:

The reporters that I follow, both online and on MSNBC (TV) have referred to the events of January 6 with a veritable smorgasbord of descriptions: a conspiracy to overturn a presidential election; a riot; an assault or attack upon or an invasion of the Capitol Building. A siege, as in "They laid siege to the nation's capitol building."

I know.