Say 'hello' to MethaneSAT. Environment Defense Fund prez sees hope in new IPCC report (Page 2/2)
FieroSTETZ AUG 13, 06:30 PM

Originally posted by randye:

So you Lunatic Leftists are going to start complaining about cow farts again.

It's more that you can't solve a problem if you don't actually look at it. Doctors didn't used to wash their hands before surgery, they'd just wipe 'em off and go to work, moving from patient to patient without cleaning up between. Lots of people died due to unknown reasons. Someone decided to take a look at why that was - and basic sanitation and sterilization was born. Someone else wanted to know why washing up/sterilizing resulted in fewer deaths - they looked into it, and that drastically expanded our understanding of bacteria and infection. In order to solve a problem, you need to be able to observe and quantify the problem.

Fact: Methane can cause heat retention.
Fact: Cows are a massive generator of methane.
Fact: A reduction in methane will therefore result in a reduction of retained heat.

Once the above facts are understood, we can begin investigating. For example, there's promising research that slightly altering the diet of cows by adding a bit of seaweed to their diet reduces methane production. The seaweed cow-fart thing is fascinating. A couple of ounces of seaweed per cow per day resulted in an 82 percent reduction in methane production over the course of 21 weeks. How is that not interesting?? As the earth heats up a bit, greenhouse gases locked away in the permafrost are going to be released. That leads to a cycle of more methane = more heat retention = faster thaw of permafrost = increased release of methane = increased heat retention and so on. Exponentials are difficult to understand for most people, so explaining why reducing something like methane emissions, or how viruses spread, is incredibly difficult even before we get to the partisanship issue.
FieroSTETZ AUG 13, 06:32 PM

Originally posted by Jake_Dragon:

lol dumb lol

I was thinking more like those puffs of fire from the vent stacks of refineries haha
williegoat AUG 13, 06:46 PM
All my life, I have been on a mission to rid the earth of cows, one bite at a time.