Why the vax is a poison death shot (Page 2/2)
Raydar SEP 18, 04:35 PM

Originally posted by sourmash:
I can't have an opinion without knowing the theories that you mean.

There have been any number of theories. From "5G towers are transmitting COVID" (that really was a theory), to "5G will spray the people with lethal radiation", to "5G will cause all your children to be born naked and hairless", to any number of other really crackpot ideas.

In reality, it's simply an evolution of the cell system that started in the 1980s. Even before that, really.
That system has been gradually moving away from high power, large area transmitting towers, and towards lower power transmitting towers, that cover a smaller area - but more of them.
Digital modulation became "the standard" sometime in the mid 1990s.
As television made the switch to digital, it made a large amount of frequency spectrum available for other uses. Cell providers grabbed up a bunch of that spectrum.

Anyway... probably more info than you wanted.
sourmash SEP 18, 05:29 PM
On the contrary, it's interesting. Do any of the power providers down there offer any digital services?

I've heard the one about 5G activating nanobots in the Covid injections. Honestly, if you don't believe some of them are estavliahment contrived to divide any resistance then you aren't familiar with historical events mimicking in the same style.
Raydar SEP 18, 05:50 PM

Originally posted by sourmash:

On the contrary, it's interesting. Do any of the power providers down there offer any digital services?

You mean internet? Not per se.
But there are a lot of partnerships between the power companies and broadband carriers to carry each others' traffic. (The power company owns a lot of excess fiber capacity, which is offered to other carriers. On the other hand, there are places where the power companies don't have any broadband presence at all, but lease that bandwidth from those same providers.)

There is an initiative, in GA, (probably other states, too) to get rural areas wired for broadband. SyncGlobal Broadband is working with the local power company to provide FTTP (Fiber To The Premesis).
The extent of this partnership is likely that the ISP will string fiber optic cable on the power company's poles. The power company may be involved in stringing some of it.
We (my part of the county) are supposed to be near the top of the list for this broadband, but I haven't seen/heard a thing.

There are other agreements/partnerships in other areas of the state.

I'll mention that I work for the power company in Atlanta.
We own our own LTE cellular system, that we use for grid control and smart meters, but I don't think our services are offered to the public. Perhaps maybe other utilities. I don't think we want to be in the cellphone business.

My internet is over a fixed wireless connection. (Essentially a cellular panel antenna, on top of a pole in front of my house.) It doesn't really suck, but it's not stellar, either.

Yeah... no 5G down here.

[This message has been edited by Raydar (edited 09-18-2021).]

MidEngineManiac SEP 18, 06:48 PM