Latest attack coming at the pure-blooded. Next they'll claim racism. (Page 2/6)
sourmash OCT 04, 05:43 PM

Originally posted by blackrams:

Pretty sure the above is proven wrong in the paragraph above the quotation. But, just to clarify: Active COVID infected people would not be invited into my home. Non-vaccinated people visit all the time.

I've never been in favor of mandated vaccinations (with very few exceptions), I sincerely believe that adults should be able to make up their own minds but, also believe that with decisions, there are rewards and consequences. I also think it's fine that you don't agree with me but, I do find it offensive and unfair to post articles from unreliable, unvetted and quite frankly sources claiming and unfactual crap about the COVID vaccinations.

I know several anti-vaxers who do try to follow CDC guidelines but will not get vaccinated, they are still my friends but, as I tell them, don't expect for me to have any sympathy if you don't take the precautionary steps to protect yourself. At one time, I may have cared and wished others would get vaccinated but, now it's different. Anyone who still hasn't been vaccinated has made a decision and must live with the rewards and consequences of that decision.

If you don't want vaccinated, don't get vaccinated, it's really pretty simple. I personally don't care what you do. So, attack me all you want. If that satisfies your oversized ego and will keep you busy (away from all the sites) then go for it.

BTW, is there any truth to what I'm told about you being a former banned member? I really don't care, that's Cliff's problem but am admittedly curious. To me, you're just a PITA that enjoys pissing people off.

Using your freely stated positions is not attacking you. That goes for willie and whoever too. If you post it, live with people remembering it.

I hope you aren't denying saying injected people aren't welcome in your home now? You said they shouldn't be in schools around injected people either.

I'm pleased that you don't hold a mandatory vaccination position now. Willie hasn't acknowledged that agreeing with radical Dems that Trump supporters are racist White supremacists is not conservatism.

Especially, there are Boomers here posting personal insults and phony positions of other people, though. Willie does it every month. Boomers have ego problems and they better learn to check it or you're not going to last long in the New America when it comes for you.

I'm not anti-vax. I'm anti-mRNA Covid-1984 gene therapy injections. Anything Covid shot.

My status was already discussed. If you weren't paying attention, that's on you. It's irrelevant to you anyway. Truth still exists whether I observe it or not. So let's live with what we post. I can.
blackrams OCT 04, 05:50 PM

Originally posted by sourmash:

My status was already discussed. If you weren't paying attention, that's on you. It's irrelevant to you anyway. Truth still exists whether I observe it or not. So let's live with what we post. I can.

I guess I missed that that information on your status of a banned former member. Just curious. "Truth still exists whether you observe it or not?"
There's an interesting concept.................

sourmash OCT 04, 05:50 PM

Originally posted by FriendGregory:

My 1st year RN niece said the Doctors are not in at night, she is having to make the ventilate or let die decisions, and call time of death to some every night. All unvaccinated. Your decision may be tough on the RN at the hospital but, it is yours to make.

It's a 3rd hand internet post. So, no offense but it's several degrees removed from more than repeating as; some guy who holds an injectionist position about Covid said on the Internet that he has a family member who said that ALL the people in the hospital on ventilators and dying are uninjected. But as we all know, we know scores of people who've had it and don't die or even leave their house.

So, it's a load of bunk, all the way through. Fat people are killing themselves with their choices and we don't shut down the restaurant world to institute tyranny..
sourmash OCT 04, 05:55 PM

Originally posted by blackrams:I guess I missed that that information on your status of a banned former member. Just curious. "Truth still exists whether you observe it or not?"
There's an interesting concept.................

It's what I tell my ex constantly. I don't dictate the facts. I observe them. I don't smear her reputation but I don't have to protect it by ignoring or hiding the behavior that she exhibits(exhibited).
steve308 OCT 04, 06:14 PM
Just schedued my third shot.
sourmash OCT 04, 06:37 PM
You don't seem to get that the sticking point is the pushing others to get a shot for any reason is the problem.
blackrams OCT 04, 06:40 PM

Originally posted by sourmash:
It's what I tell my ex constantly. I don't dictate the facts. I observe them. I don't smear her reputation but I don't have to protect it by ignoring or hiding the behavior that she exhibits(exhibited).

I'm sure she's happy with such a reply.............. Especially how you find a way to exaggerate or slant those "facts".

Originally posted by sourmash:

You don't seem to get that the sticking point is the pushing others to get a shot for any reason is the problem.

If that was intended for me, ya missed the target. I really don't care if you get the vaccination or not and, I doubt anyone else does.
Has someone put a gun to your head or held you down yet? It's still your decision ya know.


[This message has been edited by blackrams (edited 10-04-2021).]

sourmash OCT 04, 06:44 PM
Now that's your position. I've very well described your opposition and punitive statements of earlier this year wherein you indicted the uninjected and wanted I'll treatment for them because they didn't do what you wanted.

You just refuse to embrace your duality.
blackrams OCT 04, 06:48 PM

Originally posted by sourmash:

Now that's your position. I've very well described your opposition and punitive statements of earlier this year wherein you indicted the uninjected and wanted I'll treatment for them because they didn't do what you wanted.

You just refuse to embrace your duality.

I indicated? IOWs, your intrepretation?
Doesn't matter, I'm really trying to not let you draw me into any scum sucking debates on your interpretations of what I or anyone else posts.
When, not if you get one of the variations of COVID, please let us know so we can all suffer along with you.

sourmash OCT 04, 06:53 PM

Originally posted by blackrams:
I indicated? IOWs, your intrepretation?
Doesn't matter, I'm really trying to not let you draw me into any scum sucking debates on your interpretations of what I or anyone else posts.
When, not if you get one of the variations of COVID, please let us know so we can all suffer along with you.


Indicted is the actual word. Why are you now afraid of admitting what you said? Because it's some scum sucking discussion? We'll agree.that it is.

If and/or when I get Covid, why would it be any concern to you?