If this doesn't piss you off, nothing will.............. (Page 2/2)
2.5 OCT 21, 12:23 PM

Originally posted by williegoat:

It appears that Fiston Ngoy is an illegal alien who has managed to weasel his way out of deportation following a string of arrests for charges involving drugs and sexual abuse. This began with the Obama regime.


Fox and overseas media are the only ones who are reporting this part of the story.

I do believe its true what they say, a small portion of the population commit the crimes.
If only we had better punishments.
sourmash OCT 21, 04:18 PM

Originally posted by 2.5:
I do believe its true what they say, a small portion of the population commit the crimes.
If only we had better punishments.

The FBI collects data on who commits violent assaults and other crimes of aggression. Anyone can read the crime statiatics, but you will suffer attacks on your character and motivations if you talk about it.
Seems.like I read and was surprised to find out that 1/3 of a certain demographic has had a felony.

2.5 OCT 21, 04:41 PM

Originally posted by sourmash:
The FBI collects data on who commits violent assaults and other crimes of aggression. Anyone can read the crime statiatics, but you will suffer attacks on your character and motivations if you talk about it.
Seems.like I read and was surprised to find out that 1/3 of a certain demographic has had a felony.

I refer to individual criminals and individual punishments, and don't like the evaluating based on demographics that all the social justice warriors are doing these days. It only divides us.
williegoat OCT 21, 04:52 PM

Originally posted by 2.5:

I refer to individual criminals and individual punishments, and don't like the evaluating based on demographics that all the social justice warriors are doing these days. It only divides us.

Division by ethnicity is indeed nonsensical, but Illegal Alien is a demographic which, by definition, is a criminal class. Be careful not to fall into the mindset that "labels are bad". It is a leftist ploy.
williegoat OCT 21, 05:12 PM
This reminds me of the Kitty Genovese story. If you are too young to remember, it is worth looking up.
2.5 OCT 21, 05:20 PM

Originally posted by williegoat:

Division by ethnicity is indeed nonsensical, but Illegal Alien is a demographic which, by definition, is a criminal class. Be careful not to fall into the mindset that "labels are bad". It is a leftist ploy.

Yep I do understand and agree. Though I would add leftists use labels a lot, its a major tool, ethnic ones, class ones, etc.
82-T/A [At Work] OCT 21, 06:26 PM
I have a hard time understanding that too... I'm not really sure why people are that way, but you see it more and more. I would probably try to break it up, and probably get stabbed and die from it.

A woman was getting raped outside my apartment, and I would open the door and scream at the guy that I was calling the police. The dude was GIGANTIC... like, I'm 6'3" but he had like 100 pounds on me, all muscle. The second he'd head towards me, shut the door and locked it. But yeah, I called the police. How hard is it to call the police?
sourmash OCT 21, 06:51 PM

Originally posted by 2.5:I refer to individual criminals and individual punishments, and don't like the evaluating based on demographics that all the social justice warriors are doing these days. It only divides us.

It's programming by punishment. They call people racist. We have never been united. We just blend a little here and there and maintain our distances for the most part.

My first impression of the train story is a drunk non-African descent female was sloppy drunk on a train. The guy sounds like he has a legitimate African last name and we know he's an illegal. Most of the people on.the train were likely not White and did nothing because the girl wasnt like them racially. It's also fairly reasonable that she is a Black female. The rape probably was actually sexual assault.

[This message has been edited by sourmash (edited 10-21-2021).]