Trump continues to push experimental injections. (Page 2/4)
sourmash JAN 02, 10:32 AM
He had good instincts which got him elected. Now he's trying to punk us out to regain lost status. He did nothing to halt the gov directed social media censorship and now is banned from it. Shilling shots is turning off much of his base. He must've been advised we'll still support him. He is partially wrong. People just won't show up come voting day.

At his age, Trump won't be cognizant or alive when the bulk of the population is dealing with the lasting long term adverse health effects caused by the haphazardly concocted mRNA shots that he's pushing.

Trump isn't bad considering he was always a Northeastern Democrat who supported people like the Clintons. It's no surprise now that he's abandoning more of the right wing base that got him elected.

His SCOTUS picks were made for him, just as his picks like Bolton and Pompeo were. Some of his closest cabinet picks even screwed him over because he didn't know who he was being advised to pick. Intelligence picks worked against him, too. It proves he wasn't making those choices and was surprised to find out their history after he picked them.

He betrayed his Jan 6th Stop the Steal protesters, too. Allowing people like Jonathan Pollard to go free (in their face) which is probably something his base doesn't even comprehend, but when Bibi shat squarely on his face by being first to congratulate Biden/Harris, I laughed a lot.

The man was not ready for the job. He never will be. He wasnt Hillary, and that was plenty for all of us at the time. Now we see his real feelings about his base. Eff him. Pat Buchanon is getting too old now, but I'll take Pat any day over Trump.
sourmash JAN 02, 11:04 AM
Oh, and it's not my job to convince you one way or the other. You can try to convince me, but I'm not subject to the normie news agenda or being called a 'witch'. My opinion has developed steadily since seeing W open the border in 2000.

Since I understand that some of you are limited in reasoning. For instance, trying to claim that a right winger is actually a leftist because he (I) won't support a Northeastern former Democrat financial contributor, well, you are.proving something and 1 of the things is that you don't have the political background to make an accurate judgment and are just parroting name calling.

So, I know most people aren't ready to accept the situation. It would be a waste of time trying to convince you. But I'm not fooled by this Trump guy.

We have a saying in Texas: fool me once, shame on me. Fool me twice...blink-blink....we won't get fooled again!
rinselberg JAN 02, 12:47 PM
blackrams JAN 02, 01:10 PM

Originally posted by sourmash:

We have a saying in Texas: fool me once, shame on me. Fool me twice...blink-blink....we won't get fooled again!

Texas huh?


[This message has been edited by blackrams (edited 01-02-2022).]

sourmash JAN 02, 01:29 PM
Show a study that proves children die from covid 19 in numbers greater than a flu. I double dog dare you. Show one wherein they even suffer from symptoms.

Originally posted by rinselberg:

Rickady88GT JAN 02, 03:35 PM

Originally posted by rinselberg:

I am not sure what this is supposed to mean, but the fact of the matter is minors are VERY resistant to illness from covid. Testing is an absolute waste of time if you want to demonstrate a particular risk to minors from covid. First and foremost is a positive test means nothing, the ONLY factors are hospitalizations and death rates. And minors are at VERY little risk of either.
At this point in time, it isn't so much if you get covid, but when. The covid has thankfully mutated to a nearly harmless flue. It will now just be simply added to the list of viruses "covered" by the yearly flue vaccine.
Covid is a wakeup call for people who have poor health by lifestyle. The healthier you are the better your chances are of fighting off covid infections, regardless of vaccine or no vaccine. Better health is also a good thing because the endless boosters that will be "recommended". A healthy immune system is a better way to fight off covid then getting vaccinated and endlessly boosted.
steve308 JAN 02, 03:59 PM
rinselberg JAN 02, 05:58 PM

Originally posted by sourmash:
Show a study that proves children die from covid 19 in numbers greater than a flu. I double dog dare you. Show one wherein they even suffer from symptoms.

That stood out from all the other "vax" memes that I scrolled through. I was looking to see if there would be one that I would want to post. It impressed me as the highest quality such meme, in so far as delivering a dose of satire in a smile-inducing package.

I think it is more on-target in terms of sourmash than he realizes.

Just the other day, MEM posted something, and a few hours later, sourmash started another thread by posting the same article. It was an article that said that the CDC had admitted that the PCR tests for Covid were causing seasonal influenza infections to be reported as Covid infections. That the PCR test for Covid "could not distinguish between" the SARS-CoV-2 or Covid virus, and the seasonal influenza virus. The article reproduced part of a CDC press release from July (2021) that was the CDC's admission or public confession about this.

The CDC press release said no such thing. I pointed that out. And so did blackrams. Here's the reference on that:

I think if sourmash were more level-headed and evidence-based in his thinking on these topics, he would be reviewing how and where he gets his ideas about these topics.

I'd be surprised if he is reviewing his Covid-related information acquisition process with an eye towards quality improvements--towards "upping his game."

I have come forward with this one example, about that particular media report that he posted here just yesterday or the other day. I don't think it's an outlier. I think it signifies that the sourmash 2021 franchise has been riddled with serious, structural weaknesses in the information acquisition process. It's a team that's vulnerable to being debunked at the line of scrimmage and getting beaten downfield on long analysis plays.

The sourmash 2021 team may be "on the bubble", but I don't see it advancing to the 2021 postseason, as it unfolds at the beginning of 2022.

[This message has been edited by rinselberg (edited 01-02-2022).]

sourmash JAN 02, 06:31 PM
So you can't find a single study showing that children are at risk of dying from Covid19 anymore than any influenza season.
Yep, I already knew that. You already knew that. Fauci already knows that.
If I'm on the bubble, you've already drowned from being under water.

rinselberg JAN 02, 07:09 PM

Originally posted by Rickady88GT:
I am not sure what this [meme image] is supposed to mean, but the fact of the matter is minors are VERY resistant to illness from covid. Testing is an absolute waste of time if you want to demonstrate a particular risk to minors from covid. First and foremost is a positive test means nothing, the ONLY factors are hospitalizations and death rates. And minors are at VERY little risk of either.
At this point in time, it isn't so much if you get covid, but when. The covid has thankfully mutated to a nearly harmless flue. It will now just be simply added to the list of viruses "covered" by the yearly flue vaccine.
Covid is a wakeup call for people who have poor health by lifestyle. The healthier you are the better your chances are of fighting off covid infections, regardless of vaccine or no vaccine. Better health is also a good thing because the endless boosters that will be "recommended". A healthy immune system is a better way to fight off covid then getting vaccinated and endlessly boosted.

I think that Rick is on target here, where I highlighted his words with MAROON, which is more readable against the white background of the QUOTE format.

I think what Rick said in those 28 MAROON-highlighted words is where the situation is going. I don't think it's all the way there yet. But that's where it's going. From a dangerous new pandemic disease to an annoying but mostly tolerable endemic disease, like the seasonal influenzas.

Words that will live in MAROON-ality.

[This message has been edited by rinselberg (edited 01-02-2022).]