Indiana Life Insurance: deaths up 40% for 18-64 ages. No covid explanation. (Page 2/2)
blackrams JAN 04, 05:10 PM

Originally posted by sourmash:

Gee, another astute post. Where's the substance?

Ya know, attacking me for doubting your position without any research or data to back your position up really accomplishes nothing.
But, you seem to enjoy that so, go ahead. Making an ass out of oneself is strictly up to the individual.

Claiming things as you have does nothing without evidence, put up a little proof and it will substantially add to your cause.
I realize you're just trying to get more folks to buy in but, that decision is personal and already made by the majority of people.

sourmash JAN 04, 06:24 PM

Originally posted by blackrams:
Ya know, attacking me for doubting your position without any research or data to back your position up really accomplishes nothing.

Oh, you poor victim. I understand that you can't dispute the content of the subject post that you challenged me to provide. You asked for proof and got it.

Since I posted, you've gone on a personal tirade to try to strike some target that you're trying to hang on somebody. It's been pretty funny watching you over-react. Just read it and absorb it.

But, you seem to enjoy that so, go ahead. Making an ass out of oneself is strictly up to the individual.

You're very practiced at it, yes? That's why I like interacting with you.

Claiming things as you have does nothing without evidence, put up a little proof and it will substantially add to your cause.
I realize you're just trying to get more folks to buy in but, that decision is personal and already made by the majority of people.


Again, you challenged me this morning for evidence. There the article is. The one you can't assail. Just live with the knowledge that there will be more articles as more data is compiled.

Once jabbed, there's no changing any minds. How could I change any minds?

[This message has been edited by sourmash (edited 01-04-2022).]

rinselberg JAN 04, 06:38 PM

Originally posted by sourmash:
Just as with long term smoking, the results come out later as data is compiled. This is just one of the first reports to come out. For years reports will compile data showing the failures of PROTECTING the population.

The shutdowns, masks, social distancing, injections have done what for us?

Blunted the impact of the first known Covid virus strain, and the previous variations that have emerged, up to and including Delta.

A person can't die from Omicron if they're already dead from Delta.

[This message has been edited by rinselberg (edited 01-04-2022).]

Raydar JAN 04, 06:58 PM
This isn't terribly surprising, from my own observation.
People have been postponing or ignoring medical procedures, doctor visits, or maybe even ER trips that they normally would have taken before COVID came along.

And even those who have followed through have more BS to negotiate, and quite likely suffer a lesser quality of care, than they would have before all the current restrictions were implemented.

As for the disability claims... see above. If you're not proactive, you might have to be reactive.
And that's in addition to the people who are obviously long-term impaired by COVID. (I didn't see any reason for the disability claims discussed in the article.)

Case in point. A very good friend, aged 92, died a week ago. I believe that, were it not for the current restraints, protocols, and overloading of the system (His wife said that the ER was a madhouse) he might be alive today. Or not.

[This message has been edited by Raydar (edited 01-04-2022).]

blackrams JAN 04, 07:16 PM

Originally posted by sourmash:

Again, you challenged me this morning for evidence. There the article is. The one you can't assail. Just live with the knowledge that there will be more articles as more data is compiled.

I'll accept any real proof you can provide but, up to this point, I have not seen any related to this.
No where in your provided article did it suggest the COVID-19 vaccines were responsible nor did it even get close to suggesting that.

As I previously posted:

Originally posted by blackrams:

At least 243,527,564 people or 74% of the population have received at least one dose.

Overall, 205,811,394 people or 63% of the population have been fully vaccinated.

It's my opinion that if the vaccination(s) were the cause, then the number of deaths from vaccinations would be much, much higher. I can see a whole bunch of socially related issues that might explain that increase though.

Personally, I don't care what President Biden thinks on this issue. IMHO, he hasn't been right on much but, every now and then even a blind squirrel will find a nut.
The title is correct, No COVID explanation.


sourmash JAN 04, 07:51 PM
You aren't very humorous in impersonating a joke. Your problem is with the insurance industry expert that presented the findings that you're pretending not to understand. He's the expert heading companies which demand to see the data on the dead that they're paying benefits for being dead. Really dead.

Originally posted by Raydar:

This isn't terribly surprising, from my own observation.
People have been postponing or ignoring medical procedures, doctor visits, or maybe even ER trips that they normally would have taken before COVID came along.

Hospitals and doctors were postponing procedures. They were delaying for weeks and months common and needed ones. It isn't just the people needing the work done.

That was the point of capitalizing the word "protecting" as I did. This is the result of protecting us. Bullchit! They don't effing care a chit about us. I'm not pissed at you. I'm pissed though.

Case in point. A very good friend, aged 92, died a week ago. I believe that, were it not for the current restraints, protocols, and overloading of the system (His wife said that the ER was a madhouse) he might be alive today. Or not.

At least he had the comfort to experience the past USA which had a very prosperous period and has had an advanced culture.

[This message has been edited by sourmash (edited 01-04-2022).]

rinselberg JAN 04, 11:47 PM

Originally posted by Raydar:

This isn't terribly surprising, from my own observation. People have been postponing or ignoring medical procedures, doctor visits, or maybe even ER trips that they normally would have taken before COVID came along.

And even those who have followed through have more BS to negotiate, and quite likely suffer a lesser quality of care, than they would have before all the current restrictions were implemented.

As for the disability claims... see above. If you're not proactive, you might have to be reactive. And that's in addition to the people who are obviously long-term impaired by COVID. (I didn't see any reason for the disability claims discussed in the article.)

Case in point. A very good friend, aged 92, died a week ago. I believe that, were it not for the current restraints, protocols, and overloading of the system (His wife said that the ER was a madhouse) he might be alive today. Or not.

I think there's good insight here, in these remarks from Raydar.

I wonder if there are similar reports from other life insurance companies.
sourmash JAN 05, 01:18 AM

Originally posted by rinselberg:
I wonder if there are similar reports from other life insurance companies.

Who cares? It served it's purpose.
82-T/A [At Work] JAN 05, 08:42 AM
I have to take this article at face value, there would be no reason for this information to be fraudulent... if it were, there would be leading insinuation in it.

No where does it suggest though that it's from the vaccines.

My personal opinion, I have to look at all facts that I know, and make my own educated guess:
- Pfizer / Maderna Theraputics won a law-suit to prevent FOIA of information for up to 55 years (they wanted 75). Why is this? This is incredibly suspect.
- The only things that have changed considerably over the past two years is COVID, the presidency (crime, real unemployment, malaise), and vaccines.

Basic process of elimination would suggest it could be one of the following:
- Increased crime / death
- Economic malaise causing depression / health leading to death
- The vaccines are actually weakening our bodies to other conditions

Although I worked in the medical industry for over a decade, I'm not a doctor and my opinion means no more than any other schmuck who isn't a virologist... but seeing what Pfizer and the USG are doing related to the vaccines, I'm immediately suspect. I have some facts that lead me to this conclusion, but nothing concrete that states this is it... simply, CYA and slight of hand kind of activity from all involved.

sourmash JAN 05, 09:52 AM
I'm more confident than not that the mRNA injections will weaken your immune system making you more susceptible to disease.
Opioid abuse is a leading causenof death. The dystopian environment that gov and media is promoting causes more drug abuse, leading to more death.

None of the current policies are to protect our health and welfare. All of it is to strengthen the power of 'The Powers' over the people.

That is what I was saying by linking this article. Gov and their NGOs aren't protecting us. They're accelerating the demise.