Accepting apologizes from all my left-leaning friends... (Page 2/10)
Patrick JAN 28, 09:04 PM

Originally posted by MidEngineManiac:

but the lefties...

You just can't help yourself, can you?
blackrams JAN 28, 11:50 PM
This pretty much says what my friend/doc tells me on a regular basis. I'm glad there has been a study to confirm.
Not that I didn't trust her judgement but, being in this Moderna Research Study, I'm not supposed to participate in such things unless ordered by my docs and that hasn't happened.

rinselberg JAN 29, 01:22 AM

Originally posted by 82-T/A [At Work]:

I wanted to point this out...

NIH just released a peer-reviewed article stating that:
Conclusions: Our study suggests that the treatment protocol of HCQ, AZM, and zinc with or without vitamin C is safe and effective in the treatment of COVID-19, with high dose IV vitamin C leading to a significantly quicker recovery.”

This is the real thing, it’s not fake.

What I want to emphasize here is that since 2020... there was constant tongue-lashing by the radical left establishment, criticizing anyone and everyone who even suggested Hydroxychloroquine, azithromycin, and heavy Zinc and Vitamin D supplements. There is no misreading this article. We were told, “follow the science,” and that anything deviating even slightly from this was “anti-science.”

Many people on here had lots of fun at the expense of this stuff. Obviously, I don’t think any of you guys are bad people... lol, we all have fun on here. But many of you also fell for the narrative. I didn’t know any better, I just knew that I didn’t know. I can't remember saying anything in support of, or against it... because I never used it, and I’m not a doctor. Patients were prohibited from using it, and many doctors were fired for prescribing it because the hospital administrators were radical leftists.

There is a a saying, there are three stages of “truth,”

1 – First, it’s ridiculed (check, this happened)
2 – Second, it’s violently opposed (check, this definitely happened)
3 – It’s accepted as being self-evident

I’m sure everyone here will tell me that they were totally cool with Hydroxychloroquine and didn’t see or participate in any of #1 and #2.

As the intellectual and each totally-individually unique liberal Millennials now all say... Tell me that the peer reviewed process is broken, without telling me it’s broken.

This research report in Cureus does not move the needle for me. There's no Control group in this study. All 237 of the Covid patients in this study were treated with the Zelenko protocol of hydroxychloroquine, azithromycin and zinc, along with vitamin D3. The only difference was that some were also given intravenous vitamin C or "IVC" and some were not.

The report says that of the 237 Covid patients, all but one had a full recovery. One of the patients died. There's data in the study to suggest that the patients that were given IVC recovered much more quickly than the patients who were not given it.

To cut to the chase: It doesn't make me think that Donald J. Trump had any scientific basis for promoting either hydroxychloroquine or the full-on Zelenko protocol as an effective way to treat or prevent Covid, as he did, in the early stages of the pandemic.

I'm not saying that this research report is wrong or misleading.

I'll believe it when Dr. Vin Gupta tells me to believe it.

[This message has been edited by rinselberg (edited 01-29-2022).]

sourmash JAN 29, 12:18 PM

Originally posted by maryjane:
The big debate was not HCQ, AZM, and zinc with or without vitamin C being used as a treatment.

It was touted by many not as a treatment, but as a therapeutic preventative.

And so are the shots that they push. The shots that don't prevent contracting nor spreading covid after gov sources said they did.

The conspiracy theorists calling other people conspiracy theorists hasn't gone unnoticed.

[This message has been edited by sourmash (edited 01-29-2022).]

Fats JAN 29, 12:34 PM

Originally posted by rinselberg:

I'll believe it when Dr. Vin Gupta tells me to believe it.

Well there we go.
ray b JAN 29, 12:55 PM

Originally posted by MidEngineManiac:

For once we agree, but the lefties aren't satisfied running their own life, they just HAVE to run everybody else's.

like making sure the girls do not ever have an abortion EVEN THOSE WHO CAN PAY FOR ONE
in fact religions [MYTH] should make laws about sex and who can marry who
ban books movies nasty pictures in general and even teaching kids how their bodys work [sex ed]
and ban birth control also so they need those abortions they can't get

o wait the left wants none of that but the reichwing DEMANDS ALL OF THE ABOVE or they call you a RINO
at least has in the resent past here in the homeland of freedom
but it seems only the reichwings approved freedoms like gun ownership or no tax on cults they approve of
but state bans on my belief of sex drugs and rock&roll with heavy penalties for mere possession OF OUR SACRAMENTS
while the dogma of the rightwing is more prisons and long terms

it fact one of the trumpers big complaints is they can't do the criminal stuff like bash gays or fire them just because
or limit where blacks live GO TO SCHOOL OR WORK anymove like they use to BY LAW

sourmash JAN 29, 01:15 PM

Originally posted by MidEngineManiac:
in fact religions [MYTH] should make laws about sex and who can marry who

o wait the left wants none of that but the reichwing DEMANDS ALL OF THE ABOVE or they call you a RINO

So how do you feel about Israel legislatng that a non-Jew can not marry a Jew? It's illegal there. Would you call them reichwing?

it fact one of the trumpers big complaints is they can't do the criminal stuff like bash gays or fire them just because

You will force those private bakeries to decorate gay cakes or sue them out of existence, right?

or limit where blacks live GO TO SCHOOL OR WORK anymove like they use to BY LAW

An interesting fact on the decision of Brown vs Board of Education, it doesn't say the Blacks can't be segregated in school. The decision says 'even with all things being equal the Black student is deprived by not having White students in the classroom with them.'
Pondering that in my orb.

Things are seldom as they are represented by media.
ray b JAN 29, 02:56 PM

Originally posted by sourmash:

So how do you feel about Israel legislatng that a non-Jew can not marry a Jew? It's illegal there. Would you call them reichwing?

An interesting fact on the decision of Brown vs Board of Education, it doesn't say the Blacks can't be segregated in school. The decision says 'even with all things being equal the Black student is deprived by not having White students in the classroom with them.'
Pondering that in my orb.

Things are seldom as they are represented by media.

THE ZIONISTS are very rightwing jews yes they learned a bit from the 3rd reich
they saw it work

btw the rightwing bro-mance with the jews is bible/buybull based on their hopes of killing everything everyone in a
end times final battle return of the king other wonders and miracles promised by myths of man/god/zombie

randye JAN 29, 05:35 PM

Originally posted by ray b:

THE ZIONISTS are very rightwing jews yes they learned a bit from the 3rd reich
they saw it work

btw the rightwing bro-mance with the jews is bible/buybull based on their hopes of killing everything everyone in a
end times final battle return of the king other wonders and miracles promised by myths of man/god/zombie

Always entertaining to watch you self-proclaimed "tolerant" Leftists engage in your rampant religious bigotry and anti-Semitism.
randye JAN 29, 05:44 PM

Originally posted by rinselberg:

I'll believe it when Dr. Vin Gupta tells me to believe it.

Originally posted by Fats:

Well there we go.


When they admit things like that you know just how far they have removed themselves from any form of critical thinking.

"I'll believe it when the man on TV tells me to." has to be one of the most pathetic self-admissions I've ever seen.

[This message has been edited by randye (edited 01-29-2022).]