Sourmash banned? What happened? (Page 2/3)
82-T/A [At Work] MAR 28, 03:28 PM

Originally posted by IMSA GT:

Thanks for explaining that. I was wondering what was going on.

LOL, you just got someone re-banned!
IMSA GT MAR 28, 08:28 PM

Originally posted by 82-T/A [At Work]:
LOL, you just got someone re-banned!

I know, talk about foot in mouth. I stuffed BOTH feet in my mouth
2.5 MAR 29, 12:34 PM

Originally posted by rinselberg:

I wonder if this was flagged for Cliff Pennock's attention. If the forum software automatically created some kind of message for Cliff Pennock that the ratings system had been triggered in this way.

From what I understand the system is you are fine and well no matter what you do for the most part (unless someone reports something grevious enough that Cliff boots ya, ...rare) , oblivious to who you may be ticking off until you surpass 50 ratings, if a ton of those 50 are negative, the reprocussions hit cumulatively.

[This message has been edited by 2.5 (edited 03-29-2022).]

williegoat MAR 29, 01:21 PM
In general, I do not like to see anyone banned, but sourboy and Furgal are two that I do not miss. Their raison d'etre was to cause hate and discontent.
rinselberg MAR 29, 07:32 PM

Originally posted by 2.5:
From what I understand the system is you are fine and well no matter what you do for the most part (unless someone reports something grevious enough that Cliff boots ya, ...rare) , oblivious to who you may be ticking off until you surpass 50 ratings, if a ton of those 50 are negative, the reprocussions hit cumulatively.

My question, though, is what happens (or in the case of sourmash, what happened) after that negative ratings threshold is triggered and the forum software changes that member's status to "Banned."

Does that get flagged by the forum software and flagged immediately for Cliff Pennock's review?

That's what I was thinking about.

"Watch this space."
Jake_Dragon MAR 29, 07:41 PM

Originally posted by rinselberg:

My question, though, is what happens (or in the case of sourmash, what happened) after that negative ratings threshold is triggered and the forum software changes that member's status to "Banned."

Does that get flagged by the forum software and flagged immediately for Cliff Pennock's review?

That's what I was thinking about.

"Watch this space."

From what I understand Cliff does not ban the user, the software does it.
He said he can give them a chance and rate them positive and if it makes a difference they can have a second chance.
But you cant just post and be oblivious until bam here comes the bus to **** up your day.
Valkrie9 MAR 31, 03:02 PM
Pavlovian conditioning.
Unconditional agreement or you get the electrical shock, wag your tail and smile, you get a treat.

Being correct, is apparently irrelevant.
Sure, some of what he typed was for shock value, not wrong tho.
Resurrect sourmash !
Returned from the veterinarian with his scroat intact, ' They shaved me, I felt the blade, I was scared, I'll be a good puppy now ! '
' Heel ! '

Patrick MAR 31, 10:20 PM

Originally posted by Valkrie9:

Resurrect sourmash !

theBDub APR 01, 09:00 AM

Originally posted by 82-T/A [At Work]:
Oh, he definitely offended. It goes beyond the usual stuff here. He was overtly offensive at every opportunity.

I don't think he ever really got under my skin except maybe once or twice, but he was constantly making remarks that were insanely racist. I come from the mindset that racism is generally really, really overblown, and it's not something honestly that most people ever really deal with.

I'm technically Hispanic by virtue of the fact that my mom is, and the family in Argentina go way back in Argentine history. But I'm probably whiter than he is, but he routinely made comments about "the others" and white pride. Like... the most totally ridiculous stuff. Again, this stuff is completely silly, and doesn't bother me at all, but God forbid, I definitely don't want someone like that aligned with me politically. So I'm glad he's out. I don't even think I had him rated... I don't remember. But he certainly pissed off enough people.

He made sense now and then, but he was constantly falling hard for some of the more outlandish stuff.

The reality is, in MOST conspiracy, there is a bed of truth. The best conspiracies ARE based in some fact. Matter of fact, this is the entire pretense for operations in the Internet Research Agency of St. Petersburg (Russia). You take something that has some truth, and spin a wild story. It makes it infinitely better if there's already some little bit of scandal involved.

Every time, that man would fall hard for the extreme crazy side of the story. It certainly didn't help that news outlets did everything they could to tamp down stories that they viewed as potentially bad towards Biden. This only inflamed people like Sourmash so that they'd immediately start flocking to even the most insane news they could find.

I don't want to turn this into a Sourmash-bash (hah, that sounds funny)... because he's not here to defend himself. But I would say he let himself get too far on the deep-end.

I would also say that he allowed himself to become racist... which is not hard to do. If you're presented with the wrong material, it incites you, and you continue to go down that path, you can allow yourself to believe anything.

If you watch 10 videos of black thugs beating up poor innocent white teens coming back from church, it's going to leave a mark on you. But remember what policies caused this to happen... Democrat policies. A black man would feel the same way watching 10 videos of white police officers beating the **** out of some poor black teen that's on his way from church. In several cases, these videos might be selectively edited. Some aren't... there are bad people in this world. But focusing on the negative certainly doesn't help you see the whole picture in life. And I think Sourmash is one of those individuals who had a propensity to let the narrative feed his rage.

There were (multiple) times I wondered if he was literally part of a disinformation campaign himself, a Russian agent.

I still think it’s possible.
TheDigitalAlchemist APR 01, 10:12 AM

Originally posted by theBDub:

There were (multiple) times I wondered if he was literally part of a disinformation campaign himself, a Russian agent.

I still think it’s possible.

I would think they would make better use of their agents.

"Yes, YESSS! we shall inflitrate the Fiero forum and sway SO many dozen minds and try to presuade them not to get vaccinated"

There are a few others here I would suspect more than him. They seemingly take a half hour or more when constructing a thread.

or a few others who pretend they actually LIKE Fieros, but have never even OWNED one...

*Grabs one of those "suspicious" members, drags them over to a parked Fiero*

*tosses them the keys*


Camera Close up of their hand. a strange guggling-turns-to-screams sound is hear as they split in half and reveal their true nature...

FieroGuyPerson_5:"Woa, that forum he "The THING"????

Me: "No, something far far worse... they're a DEMOCRAT!"

-the end-


Man this is more boring than that game I made (which one of them, they're ALL Boring!)

Owww snap

But seriously , make some new threads already, these current ones are boring. We have limited, precious time before the ducks come...