Are there any cars that make you feel physically ill when you see them? (Page 2/4)
Raydar MAY 01, 11:17 AM

Originally posted by cvxjet:
...But the "winner" by a light year is the Honda Civic R...

Meh... I've seen worse, but I still wouldn't buy one. Too bad the SI is available on every version but the 4 door hatch. (I might have actually bought an SI hatch.)

Yeah... the Juke is ugly.

My vote? The Bugatti Veyron and Chiron. And people pay stupid money for that horse-collared abomination.
Runner ups? Anything "donked". (I actually saw a donked lime green Pontiac G6 sedan, a few years ago. )
cvxjet MAY 01, 12:34 PM
Yes- the new Bugattis are ugly (And stupid heavy)

And there are some truly fugly Fiero kit cars;

This "COuntach" kit car is bizarre; I modified teh pic so that the front wheel well is shaped better which does improve it but jeez.......WHo would waste so much time on something that so obviously is NOT a Countach- or anything else remotely desirable?

[This message has been edited by cvxjet (edited 05-01-2022).]

css9450 MAY 02, 12:17 PM

Originally posted by TheDigitalAlchemist:

The Range Rover Defender. Ugly rear. Horrible taillights. Stupid “never-will-be-used” snorkel. Ugly side square things near the rear windows.

There is one of those down the street from me. I couldn't figure out what the ugly square things were.... Maybe a separate refrigerated cooler area with openings to both interior and exterior? Keeps the beer cold.

Zeb MAY 03, 11:09 AM
The new Supra. I see one around town some times. I keep thinking "Hey, that's nice....Ohh, no it's not."
A_Lonely_Potato MAY 03, 12:49 PM

Originally posted by Zeb:

The new Supra. I see one around town some times. I keep thinking "Hey, that's nice....Ohh, no it's not."

That along with some other newer cars, I like, but not as their namesake. I like the new Supra, but not as a Supra. If it was a new IP I would be more on board with it. Similar to what happened with the Assassin's Creed series for any of you gamers on here.
jonrev MAY 06, 12:04 PM
Hummer EV.

GM took all the personified disdain for society design attributes of virtually every current fullsize pickup on the market and supersized it into a 9000lb Tonka truck that encourages its user to drive it like a sports car. Now you can kill innocents with the violence of a freight train and the efficiency of an unskilled Mustang driver showboating at a car meet. I will look at every single one of them (and their buyers) with every ounce of venom I had for their H2 counterparts 15 years ago.
cvxjet MAY 06, 02:43 PM
Back when the Aztek was being sold, and for a few years after, if I saw one I would give it a wide berth.....Not just because it was ugly- but because ANYONE who would knowingly buy one of them was obviously a few screws short of a full deck....If you understand my mean-ing!

Same thing now with the Juke (Just threw up a bit in my mouth)
IMSA GT MAY 06, 05:35 PM
The new cookie-cutter C8. I've already seen 9 of them here in California over the last 2 days so once again, another piece of overpriced, plastic, electrical nightmare garbage from GM.
TheDigitalAlchemist MAY 06, 10:26 PM

Originally posted by IMSA GT:

The new cookie-cutter C8. I've already seen 9 of them here in California over the last 2 days so once again, another piece of overpriced, plastic, electrical nightmare garbage from GM.

I saw a silver one a few months ago and man, I thought it looked pretty sweet... but then, I saw a yellow one close up yesterday, and it just looked kinda "meh".
IMSA GT MAY 07, 12:15 AM

Originally posted by TheDigitalAlchemist:

I saw a silver one a few months ago and man, I thought it looked pretty sweet... but then, I saw a yellow one close up yesterday, and it just looked kinda "meh".

That's the problem. There was this huge hype about those cars and now they blend in with the scenery. Nothing impressive, other than the stolen mid engine design from the Fiero