Electric Dodge Charllenger. New "muscle" car concept (Page 2/3)
Patrick SEP 18, 12:18 AM

Originally posted by Notorio:

Could anything make less sense, than wiring up simulated engine noises for an EV?

There is at least one practical reason for implementing such a sound, as long as it's heard outside the e-vehicle... and that's so blind people don't get nailed while crossing the street! I'm being 100% serious. When vehicles make no sound whatsoever, it's pretty dangerous for anyone who needs to rely on their hearing for safety while out and about.
82-T/A [At Work] SEP 19, 01:19 PM
Don't do it Todd... don't do it... it's a trick.

A_Lonely_Potato SEP 19, 01:27 PM
fight the horny my friend! fight it!
82-T/A [At Work] SEP 19, 03:22 PM

Originally posted by A_Lonely_Potato:

fight the horny my friend! fight it!

I have to remind myself that if I do click on it, it's going to be like 90% pictures of male buttox.

Anyway, that electric charger looks awesome, if it actually is released in the same design as it's shown. I do not have high hopes for it. But if such a car was actually released like that, I would definitely be interested. Though now that I'm in my 40s, more and more I'm thinking I just want utility. But I'm not ready for a minivan, when that happens... I need someone to put me down.
Patrick SEP 19, 03:32 PM

Originally posted by 82-T/A [At Work]:

I have to remind myself that if I do click on it, it's going to be like 90% pictures of male buttox.

Well sure... if you click on the "ballpark flavor at home" wiener add.
82-T/A [At Work] SEP 19, 03:42 PM

Originally posted by Patrick:

Well sure... if you click on the "ballpark flavor at home" wiener add.

I would totally buy one of those, but I can't eat that stuff. My cholesterol is good, but the doctor said my triglycerides (did I spell that right) are a little high... meaning I need to cut back a little bit on fatty foods. I hate getting old. I remember when I was 18 and I ran 9 miles a day, and could eat three double-quarter pounder meals in one sitting, with the fries... and THEN go home and eat whatever my mom was making for dinner, and still not gain a single pound.
Jake_Dragon SEP 19, 04:30 PM

Click to show
82-T/A [At Work] SEP 20, 08:43 AM
I'm starting to notice a trend...

Notorio SEP 20, 11:46 PM

Originally posted by Patrick:

There is at least one practical reason for implementing such a sound, as long as it's heard outside the e-vehicle... and that's so blind people don't get nailed while crossing the street! I'm being 100% serious. When vehicles make no sound whatsoever, it's pretty dangerous for anyone who needs to rely on their hearing for safety while out and about.

There are other solutions to that problem: Click Here
Patrick SEP 21, 12:29 AM

Originally posted by Notorio:

There are other solutions to that problem: Click Here

OMG... I think a bit of canned engine noise would be a whole lot more preferable to all that racket!