Back by popular demand with an ALL-STAR cast . . . Trump impeachment #1 (Page 3/5)
sourmash APR 30, 04:19 AM
Heterosexual and homosexual are not religions to conservatives, cvxjet. One of them is, though, to many leftists. Children aren't supposed to be a used for sexual and political manipultion to claim 'muh freedoms!'
maryjane APR 30, 09:00 AM
That's about a stupid looking uniform..

olejoedad APR 30, 11:17 AM

Originally posted by cvxjet:

You guys all LOVE Russia and your hero Putin- and all have it on good authority that there was no collusion or interference by Russia- from the Russia news sources, Faux, OANNY and possibly you all watch TASS also.

All of my conservative friends starting saying really stupid crap back a decade ago; "Obama is a foreign-born Mussy who will destroy America!!!" and "All democraps are devil-worshipping commies bent on destroying their own country!!!" and "Russia is a great country- the only Christian country!!!" and of course "Putin is a great leader!!!"....Then in 2015, they all went nuts over the "Jade Helm Invasion" which none of you can (NOW) reNember ("Right").....And of course in 2016 they all fell in love with the man-size baby with the orange hair; "He is so great- I think he is the greatest man I have ever heard of!"

I would have believed that good conservatives would never "Swoon" over anyone- let alone a cry-baby crook like trump....But you all roll on the floor any time he ranted at how people were not patting him on the back......Just flabbergasting!

I doubt you have any conservative friends.
I think that you and your friends are conspiracy theorists.

I have conservative friends. None of them think the way that you think a conservative thinks.

Or is this more proof that Kalifornia is entirely loony-tunes?
rinselberg APR 30, 11:38 AM

May I recommend the vinegar-soaked Black Sea sturgeon with thyme-butter sauce? Shipped by air, never frozen.

[This message has been edited by rinselberg (edited 04-30-2021).]

williegoat APR 30, 11:53 AM

Originally posted by rinselberg:


May I recommend the vinegar-soaked Black Sea sturgeon with thyme-butter sauce? Shipped by air, never frozen.

OK, that's funny.
2.5 APR 30, 12:04 PM

Originally posted by cvxjet:

But all of you Trump-lovers want the US of A to be run by the Russian Gangster.....Any time anything comes up pointing to Russian interference you jump up and start telling everyone how Russia-Faux and OANN(Russia) news TOLD you that "Russia would never do anything wrong ever.....They are the ONLY Christian country in the world!!!"

You guys want so badly to get the new civil war started in this country....and Putin is giggling like a 10 year old school kid.....

I have heard it is easier to argue at a caricature of a mass of people than to respond in a sensible way.
olejoedad APR 30, 03:45 PM
"Trump-lovers".......there it is again.....

I don't particularly care for the man, but I thought his policies were very good for the economy, the middle class, the energy sector, the immigration system and national security.

I cannot say that about the policies of former vice president biden.

sourmash APR 30, 09:36 PM
cvxjet isnt fooling anybody, except himself. If he pretends he's right wing he thinks it gives him permission to bash the right. It's the same as a black identifying person being able to use the N word or a homosexual using slang pejoratives about that fellow group.
rinselberg APR 30, 10:00 PM
My impression is that cvxjet describes himself as "a conservative." And more narrowly, a "fiscal conservative." Not a Deficit Hawk, perhaps, but a Deficit Raven(?)

Leaving cvxjet aside, however, the phrase "right wing" has a different (and less respectable) connotation for me than "conservative."

[This message has been edited by rinselberg (edited 04-30-2021).]

sourmash APR 30, 10:37 PM
Talking about "freedoms" isn't bashing fiscal conservatives so the distinction isn't valid or it supports those who point out that he isnt conservative.