AOC. I'm calling this Politics, but it's really a mental health issue. (Page 3/3)
randye MAY 27, 02:04 AM

Originally posted by sourmash:

She's probably a good bartender, ...

I'm wondering about what constitutes AOC's good bartending ? Got an example?

sourmash MAY 27, 07:00 AM
Nobody can suck at everything, "probably".

Originally posted by maryjane:
And allthough I firmly believe AO(C) has some serious mental defects via her anti-Semitism,

So, no example of her anti-Semitism, huh?Because opposing a policy of a nation isn't anti-Semitic. Just like opposing illegal immigration isn't racism.
sourmash MAY 27, 07:46 AM
AOC enforced Bernie. Billionaire Tom Steyer donated to her campaign. I'm not sure they're Semites, but both are Jewish. Alphabet contributed to her. Started and controlled by Jewish people. Billionaire Jewish people.
sourmash MAY 29, 06:02 AM

Originally posted by maryjane:
And allthough I firmly believe AO(C) has some serious mental defects via her anti-Semitism,

I guess she isn't anti-Semitic enough to defend the claim.

Weakly criticizing a nation for the slaughter of civilians while their embattled prime minister benefits from it isn't anti-Semitic.

Just like Asian hate attacks by POC aren't White supremacy. The same groups push both false narratives.
sourmash JUN 02, 08:30 AM

Originally posted by maryjane:
And allthough I firmly believe AO(C) has some serious mental defects via her anti-Semitism

What anti-Semitism? So you firmly "believe" something but can't necessarily detail it? Do you "believe" White supremacy causes Black on Asian attacks?
rinselberg JUN 02, 10:14 AM

Originally posted by sourmash:
What anti-Semitism? So you firmly "believe" something but can't necessarily detail it? Do you "believe" White supremacy causes Black on Asian attacks?

When I think about the reports that I've seen about Blacks in this country committing crimes of harassment or physical assault on people of the Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders or AAPI demographic, these "bullets" or Talking Points come to mind:
  1. A generalized lawlessness and criminality among lower income Blacks that presents as Blacks committing these kinds of crimes. The victims are very often other Black people, but also White people and AAPIs--whoever else inhabits or becomes part of the same urban center, neighborhood or public space (like transit stations.)
  2. A specialized (as distinct from generalized) strain of lawlessness and criminality among lower income Blacks where nativism and xenophobia in the minds of lower income Blacks are contributing factors. This is not separate from the generalized lawlessness and criminality among lower income Blacks, but is additive to it. A low income Black who was born in this country, and of parents that were also born in this county, is (in his own mind) more "American" or more "native" than any AAPI that he encounters.
By repeatedly going public with utterances like the "Chinese virus" or the "Wuhan virus" or the "Kung Flu", instead of saying "Covid" or the "coronavirus", Donald J. Trump or "DJT" has left himself open to criticism--very reasoned criticism, in my opinion--for having contributed (and this is not a charitable contribution) to what I just called the "specialized" part of this. My second Talking Point. The psychological permission that Blacks must have for themselves when they "hate on" or commit crimes against AAPIs.

I would also be inclined, in this context, to look at some of the public remarks from DJT about China in terms of the trade disputes and "tariff wars" that were so much in the public dialogue during the Trump administration and even now, as the former President continues his life in the public and political space. But the Covid-related euphemisms like "Kung Flu" are glaringly more obvious (in my mind) than anything Trump or his entourage have said about China in the context of ordinary economics or trade disputes (etc.)

[This message has been edited by rinselberg (edited 06-02-2021).]

sourmash JUN 02, 11:21 AM

Originally posted by maryjane:

And allthough I firmly believe AO(C) has some serious mental defects via her anti-Semitism,

What anti-Semitism do you "believe" in?
randye JUN 02, 08:32 PM

Originally posted by rinselberg:

When I think about the reports that I've seen about Blacks in this country committing crimes of harassment or physical assault on people of the Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders or AAPI demographic,........

Only YOU could possibly come to the painfully convoluted and weird conclusion that people who perpetually complain about being victims of racism in turn commit racist hate crimes themselves and it's all somehow Trump's fault because he gave them "psychological permission".

If you ever wonder why people laugh at you and mock you Leftists, this is why.

[This message has been edited by randye (edited 06-02-2021).]

cvxjet JUN 02, 10:14 PM
One thing that has always PO'd me was when people other than "Whites" state "We can't ever be accused of being racist" BS- I have seen racists of every color and creed.